Why Tesla batteries will fast-track switch to renewables

Tesla battery storage product may be a cooler and cheaper option for residential customers, but it is at the commercial and grid level where the technology could make its biggest impact.

elon_musk_tesla.topThat, at least, is the estimate of Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk. Last week he told analysts that the amount of energy storage deployed at grid level may be 10 times the amount installed in homes and businesses.

That makes sense for several reasons. Firstly, the grid is of a much grander scale than individual homes and businesses. Secondly, the grid-scale battery storage offering is much cheaper than that for homes and businesses. And thirdly, because of the way tariffs in the US are structured, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to install storage right now in homes in the US, but does at bigger scale because of the different ways it can be deployed, the expenditure it can avoid, and the charges that can be ducked.

In a major new report, Storage Business Models: More Approaches Than You May Think, investment bank Morgan Stanley says the Tesla battery storage products prove that storage is cost competitive.

It was expecting a price reduction, but not to the extent that Tesla delivered. Morgan Stanley notes that the price of the utility-scale, 100kWh Powerpack product of $US250/kWh (including inverters but not installation) compares with all-in costs of $US800-$US1,000/kWh from rivals.

The analysts make the crucial point that storage will not replace the grid, but it may alter the way it is used, and who uses it. Mostly, it is going to boost the penetration of renewable energy – the ultimate goal of Musk who says he wants the world to be powered 100 per cent by renewable energy.

“When considering the impacts to the power sector from energy storage, the most common response we hear is the ability of storage to replace the utility grid,” the Morgan Stanley analysts note.

“While in some geographies at some point in the future this may be a tangible risk/opportunity (depending on your perspective), for many years we believe other business models will be prevalent, all of which do not displace the utility grid but instead enable the utility grid to continue to support the increased growth of renewables.”

Morgan Stanley says that because of this, the biggest impact – particularly in the US where residential solar consumers are favoured by net metering policies – will be in utilities and merchant storage market.

This assessment was borne out by subsequent news from SolarCity that battery storage does not make sense to be paired with solar in most of the US right now, not because it doesn’t work with solar, as some suggested, but because of the tariff set-up, with most states providing net tariffs that provide little incentive for having storage.

(This is different to Australia, which does not have net metering, but does have high grid and therefore residential prices, and plenty of good solar resources).

Morgan Stanley says at the commercial level and the grid level, businesses – such as WalMart and Amazon – and utilities – such as Southern California Electric and Texas-based OnCor – might find an immediate economic benefit with battery storage.

“The power industry (both utilities & merchant storage developers, mostly the former) will in our view work to rapidly deploy Tesla’s technology onto the grid to integrate renewables and address solar power’s intermittency and lack of complete overlap with peak demand periods,” the analysts write.

morgan stanley tesla

They will do this for three reasons.

The first is to “dampen” variability from renewables and other causes, and to delay the need for incremental investments in grid upgrades, like Queensland’s Ergon Energy is already doing in its remote network.

The second is adoption by demand response providers, who will use storage and solar to help customers reduce peak demand and duck punitive demand charges. (This is also applicable in Australian markets). Morgan Stanley says this model works with battery storage at less than $US320/kWh – see graph above.

And the third is by developers of renewable energy power plants, who will use storage to provide grid reliability, target peak demand and arbitrage power prices. Morgan Stanley says that model works at less than $US275/kWh.

In the US, Edison International has already announced that it is going to use Tesla batteries as a demand response mechanism with customers, and will also install 2,000kWh of storage at two theatres, where battery will be charged with cheap power at night and discharged during the day.

Morgan Stanley says there is growing evidence that network operators are looking to battery storage for an increasing number of reasons.

These include mitigating grid volatility, offsetting costs of grid upgrades and expansions, cutting system-wide power costs, and having greater means to respond or avoid power interruptions caused by unplanned outages of large wholesale power plants. California has mandated that 1,325MW of storage capacity be installed by 2020.

So where does the economics of grid based battery storage lie?

Morgan Stanley says the scope of economic benefits of storage are wider than any other business model or technology: (1) it mitigates grid volatility caused by greater renewables penetration, (2) it creates a lower need for incremental wholesale generation, transmission and distribution assets to keep pace with peak demand growth, (3) it cuts system-wide power costs, and (4) it has a greater ability to respond to/avoid power interruptions caused by unplanned outages of large wholesale power plants.

And who are the losers?

Mostly fossil fuel generators. The ability of renewables to store power means that they will likely be peaking at the peaks, so less returns for gas fired generators, and the coal (and nuclear) generators that priced in big surges in peak demand and prices into their business model.

Other utilities face risk from people deserting the grid. In the US, this risk is highest in Hawaii, where electricity prices are high, although less so now that the utility is accelerating its push to a 100 per cent renewable grid.

There is an off-grid risk in other states such as Connecticut, New Jersey and New York, especially among commercial/industrial customers, but while the grids in these state functions as a free or low cost battery, the incentive to move off-grid are minimal.

Of course, the opposite is true in Australia, where the grid is anything but low cost, and accounts for around half of all bills. And fixed charges are likely to rise as networks and retailers adjust their tariffs to protect their revenue streams as consumers use solar and storage to reduce the amount of electricity they source from the grid.

The product is not designed to take customers fully off-grid, at least not initially, but CEO Elon Musk’s vision is to move the world to 100% renewables, which could lead in that direction.

Morgan Stanley notes that companies such as AES has the most extensive experience in deploying and operating storage systems, and it is possible that many utilities and other entities pursuing storage may seek to leverage AES’ strengths.

AES first entered the storage business in 2008, and has around 86MW of storage already in operation, and another 260MW in late stage development or under construction. Its former chief operating officer in now CEO at AGL Energy, which may explain that company’s sudden acceleration of its energy storage strategy, and his invitation to the head of new technologies to challenge the incumbent business model of the company, almost entirely based around large centralized generation.





22 responses to “Why Tesla batteries will fast-track switch to renewables”

  1. Geoff Henderson Avatar
    Geoff Henderson

    I have lived with solar off grid for around 12 years. I doubt that a Tesla battery, even their largest will be sufficient…unless I add many of them.

    Ben Heard of “Decarbonise” has plenty to say about the Tesla battery and the claims made. See:

    1. Giles Avatar

      A typically embittered post from that man. Of course he wants the minimum amount of solar installed. Like the coal lobby, nuclear requires the retention of a business model based around centralised generation. NRG, which operates nuclear plants in the US, says that model is dead. But some people refuse to get it.

      1. Helmuth Geiser Avatar
        Helmuth Geiser

        You are completely right, the “nukes” just don’t get it, or like you rightly say, they “refuse”.
        On numbers dating back to 2013 it is a fact, that for the money a 1.2GW nuclear power-plant nowadays costs, you can install ~7GW of wind power, without having any headache about waste disposal (+cost) or even a catastrophic failure. If we would calculate this scenario with more recent numbers, it would be even worse for nuclear than that, since the price for nuclear is constantly rising, and the price for wind power is sinking.
        Since the 7GW are~5.8 times the 1.2GW, they would have to run at only 17.25% efficiency to have the same output of the nuclear plant at full power. But 17.25% efficiency is way below the efficiency factor of wind power nowadays.
        I don’t have the calculation at hand to compare nuclear with solar, but I expect it to be not far from the above comparison.

        1. Mike Dill Avatar
          Mike Dill

          Helmuth, as you have correctly stated, the capacity factor of wind is usually higher than the 17% you calculate. There is still a need for something (storage?) to fill in the dips. Until now, no one had announced a price that filled that gap, which is why many people still think that we need the coal for ‘baseload’.

          1. Helmuth Geiser Avatar
            Helmuth Geiser

            Mike, there are various scenarios you can deal with to fill the “gap”, one is battery storage, another one would be hydrogen production with excess power (from wind or solar), which than can be used to fill the “gap”, but the most efficient way would be to create a truly “smart grid”, which would get the power wherever excess is produced, and deviate it to high demand areas, or a combination of all. Cost is not a factor in realizing the above, as power generation from resources like coal, and gas from fracking – if you consider all the cost which usually is not accounted for, is actually much higher than a combined solution with solar, wind, storage and smart grid.
            I mentioned before nuclear power vs. wind, but you can make the same comparison for example with gas or coal plants, and wind and solar still win the “competition”. Obviously the oil, gas and coal lobby are trying to say otherwise for obvious reasons, but they will not be much longer able to spin the truth, the market will decide (as always), and it will not be in their favor.
            It is a matter of a rather short time. And “distributed power” will play a decisive role. Therefore the Tesla contribution is a further step in the right direction, but it’s only part of the solution.

    2. Lachlan Ennis Avatar
      Lachlan Ennis

      First, his analysis is based off of the 10kWh model, that is for limited power backups. The 7kWh is for daily use.

      Second, you can stack the batteries. He doesn’t mention that.

      Third, he sees the battery as a complete off-grid solution. It is certainly possible. But that isn’t the real point. It is supposed to increase self sufficiency through the use of solar panels.

      1. andrew Avatar

        Most our house is LNG. We could go off grid with a battery

  2. chris ryan Avatar
    chris ryan

    I think that one aspect of the household solar PV situation in Aus has to be considered when projecting the likely impact of home storage and going off-grid. For many households who have installed PV in recent years the size of their installation has been limited by a rule that no local transformer (to which a household is connected) can have more than 50% of its load from solar PV input. Many friends and neighbours have had to settle for way less than they had hoped for (or been able to ‘afford’) in their PV size. It may only be an unrepresentative sample but dinner conversations with those people suggest that they are waiting for affordable batteries, when they would be able to up-sale their panels to what they wanted. In other words they see the constraints on PV size as politically motivated and the possibilities of storage become a symbolic / political ‘fight back’.

    1. Miles Harding Avatar
      Miles Harding

      Well said.

      If the utilities and governments were progressive and embraced the
      opportunities of new energy technologies, we would be having a very
      different conversation and customers wouldn’t be wanting to go take charge of their own energy needs or even go completely off-grid.

    2. andrew Avatar

      You can have a transformer fitted to the grid. Some people have had transformers fitted to run their big houses, let alone solar PV

  3. Jacob Avatar

    Some would say most electricity consumption is by non-residential buildings so non-residential buildings would install more storage than houses.

  4. Mike Dill Avatar
    Mike Dill

    Giles, Liked the article but did not understand the graph. The graphic from Morgan Stanley puts the strike price for storage at $320.00 per KWH which must be wrong, and probably should have bee KW. I think that IRR is something related to rate of return, but there is no mention in the article that supports the graphic. Is this report focusing on southern California for that price, or Hawaii, or WA, where the economics may be more compelling?

    1. Giles Avatar

      As the graph says (in small print), it is California. The $320/kWh is the point at which storage is economic under this scenario. So, the Tesla product at $250/kWh is obviously economic.

    2. Jacob Avatar

      The grid is walking the plank in Hawaii due to its $0.37/kwh price there.

  5. WR Avatar

    For those who want to have an idea of how much storage would be needed at grid level with a 100% renewable supply, you can access a model I made of the SA/Vic portion of the NEM grid. (Go to the first spreadsheet – 2014-2015 A.)

    To use the spreadsheet, you will need to find the ‘download’ icon on the screen (somewhere near top-middle) and either open the ss or save it when prompted.

    The spreadsheet compares real solar and wind output for the region with real power demand for SA and Victoria. It treats the two states as one grid.

    The wind data is AEMO data from this website. http://energy.anero.id.au/wind
    The wind capacity factors are for the NEM as a whole. Although this incorporates the output from NSW and Tasmania along with the VIC and SA values, I think it is a fair indicator of what we would have for this region in the future as further wind farms are built.

    The PV data is an average of the Vic/SA data from the APVI website. http://pv-map.apvi.org.au/live
    I have modified the power output from the PV data to give an average daily output of 3.9 kWh/kWp. I think that this is a fair representation of what we could expect from a mix of rooftop and utility-scale PV supply from this region in the future.

    The demand data on the other worksheets is real data for Vic/SA. It is from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) website. http://www.aemo.com.au/Electri
    The model runs from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015.

    On the timescale: 0.125 is 3am, 0.25 is 6am, etc up to a whole number at midnight.
    For a 100% RE scenario, you can reasonably expect about 15-20% of energy supply to come from readily dispatchable sources such as hydro, biomass, biogas, etc. This collectively is called ‘Auxiliary Generation’ in the spreadsheet. The remaining 80-85% of energy is then expected to come from wind and PV.
    Storage is used to help match supply and demand, while reducing the maximum amount of power required from auxiliary generation.
    To use the spreadsheet, you can adjust the wind, pv, and storage capacities by changing the numbers (modifiers) in the three orange cells AC2, AD2, and AE2, respectively. This will change the values in the purple output area in the cells below the modifiers.
    Once you have changed the orange modifiers, you can change the maximum auxiliary power generation value (cell AL9) by changing the three modifiers in the yellow cells AI2-AK2. These values are inputs to an algorithm (column M) that determines the amount of auxiliary generation. The algorithm was designed to closely match the results obtained when adjusting the auxiliary generation values manually.
    The spreadsheet has been designed in a way that supply will match demand as long as there is energy in storage. If the Minimum storage value (cell AO13) falls below zero, if means that you have a blackout. So the strategy to use when adjusting auxiliary generation is to keep one eye on the minimum storage value to make sure it stays above zero. I normally keep it in a range of 20-25 GWh.
    Most of the output values are self-explanatory. One that isn’t is the ‘Cost’ value. This is somewhat arbitrary but its meant to represent the total cost of the entire system if it was built from scratch over the next 30 years. Of course, we have no idea how prices of the various components might change over 30 years, but if you like, you can use it as a rough indicator of the relative cost of different builds.
    Spreadsheet 2014-2015 B is identical to the first spreadsheet. Its there so that you can use the two spreadsheets to compare different builds.
    In conclusion, keep in mind that this model is for only one year of data. To get a better idea of what might be required overall, you would need to model data for a number of years that give the full range of weather conditions affecting supply and demand for these states.

  6. Scotts Contracting Avatar
    Scotts Contracting

    Death To Coal-> let’m choke on their pollution

  7. Math Geurts Avatar
    Math Geurts

    How Much Battery Storage Does a Solar PV System Need?

    1. nakedChimp Avatar

      Depends on your motivation (money, idealism, anarchism) and what your power requirements are/can be.. a lot of variables, so don’t trust anyone who will give you a simple straight answer or even sell you his battery 😉

    2. WR Avatar

      It depends on the size of your pv system, how much energy you use from the grid, how much energy you use from your pv system currently, and whether you intend to go off-grid or stay grid-connected and use the battery to use more of your PV output. Generally speaking, if its for a grid-connected system, you would be looking to get a battery with a capacity of about half of your average daily energy demand.

    3. andrew Avatar

      Most our house is LNG. We could also run battery into HWS & fridge to keep the battery free to fill in the arfternoon. Power used all the time. Fridge uses most power 24 hours a day

    4. andrew Avatar

      We will consider a quantum heat pump HWS next time around for solar PV along with a Tesla battery. Definitely renewing gas oven

  8. andrew Avatar

    Most our house is LNG, water, oven, heating. Back to grid metres attract a hefty ‘service’ fee

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