The Tasmanian government will back local green hydrogen production through a funding agreement signed with Melbourne headquartered hydrogen hopeful Countrywide Hydrogen.
Countrywide Hydrogen will receive funding on a per kilogram basis of green hydrogen sold to end-users to cover the gap between the cost to produce the green hydrogen and what end-users are able to pay.
Countrywide Hydrogen – which already has five renewable hydrogen projects under development, including three in Tasmania – at Brighton, Launceston and Burnie – with production set to begin some time in 2026.
Each location is designed to include a 5MW Plug Power electrolyser and Fabrum hydrogen refuelling station and have been strategically located to begin providing a network of refuelling stations across the state.
ReNu Energy, the listed parent company of Countrywide Hydrogen, also hopes that these projects will allow for the decarbonising of gas networks and direct supply of 100 per cent green hydrogen to identified industrial customers.
“Tasmania will be the showcase state for green hydrogen production using its renewable energy resources to decarbonise transport, industry, and power generation,” said managing director Geoffrey Drucker.
He said the technology will also help the state reduce its reliance on imported fossil fuels.