Population: What we do in Woolies matters more than what we do in bed

The Conversation

In any discussion of the world’s environmental problems, someone will always argue that the core problem is that the world has too many people. Cliff Hooker has recently named it “the elephant in the room”, although it must be one of the most talked about pachyderms around.

So is population growth the chief culprit for, say, climate change? It is indisputable that, other things being equal, faster population growth will make the task more difficult. There is also no question that the enormous expansion of the global population over the last several decades has left us much more vulnerable.

But when we consider the task ahead of us we should remind ourselves that it is the proliferation of people with high levels of emissions that has given us the climate crisis. This is shown to devastating effect by two North American researchers, Paul Murtaugh and Michael Schlax who have estimated the “carbon legacies” of reproductive decisions.

It is obvious that our consumption decisions affect the amount of greenhouse gas emissions for which we are responsible – which explains why Canberra residents have both the highest level of environmental awareness in Australia and the highest level of per capita greenhouse gas emissions. They are on average richer.

But our reproductive decisions also affect the emissions that are down to us. Murtaugh and Schlax assign to a person responsibility for their own carbon emissions and that of their descendents, since those emissions are contingent on that person’s reproductive choices.

They assume that a mother is accountable for half of the emissions of her offspring and a father is accountable for the other half. Each is then responsible for a quarter of the emissions of their grandchildren, and so on. Making a number of reasonable assumptions for various countries about fertility rates and future per capita carbon emissions, the researchers estimate that the carbon legacy of the average female in the United States is 18,500 tonnes of CO₂ while that of a Bangladeshi woman is only 136 tonnes.



In other words, the future stream of carbon emissions following a decision by an American couple to have an extra child is 130 times greater than that of a decision by a Bangladeshi couple.

Put another way, to have the same impact on future global carbon emissions, a decision by one American couple not to have a child would have to be matched by 130 Bangladeshi couples. So population policies should be targeted now at the United States and the larger European countries (including Russia) rather than poor but populous nations like Bangladesh, India and Nigeria.

The US-Bangladesh comparison is the most extreme case, but even comparing the carbon legacies of parents in the United States and China gives a factor of nearly five. (For India the factor is nearly 50.) In short, it makes no sense to single out population growth without linking people to their consumption, and that of their descendants.

Of course, since the population of China is so enormous (four times bigger than that of the United States) any policy that limits fertility will have a large global impact. Although not part of the plan, China’s much-maligned one-child policy means global greenhouse gas emissions will be measurably lower in the 21st century, a fact for which we should be grateful.

On the other hand, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions China’s rapid economic growth over the last decade, followed more slowly by its consumption growth, has blown away the gains of 50 years of population control. We in the West have no right to point the finger, but the fact is that the vast burgeoning class of prosperous consumers in nations like China, India and Brazil are taking over as the principal cause of environmental spoliation.

Recognising that affluence rather than population growth is mainly responsible for the climate crisis allows us to recast the famous Malthusian theory. In his 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Malthus argued that there is a natural tendency for unchecked population growth to outstrip the capacity of agriculture to increase food production, so that famine, pestilence and war tend to bring the supply of people back into balance with the supply of food.

Parson Malthus attributed the tendency of population to grow at a geometric rate to “the vice of promiscuous intercourse among the inferior classes”. Yet I think it must now be admitted that the situation we face has arisen not from the old working-class vice of excessive copulation but the modern middle-class vice of excessive consumption. And just as in later editions of his essay Malthus recognised that the natural checks of famine and war could be avoided by “moral restraint” in the form of postponement of marriage and abstinence, so the answer to the climate crisis lies in disinterring the middle-class virtues of moderation and frugality.

Clive Hamilton is Vice Chancellor’s Chair, Centre For Applied Philosophy & Public Ethics (CAPPE) at Charles Sturt University

This article is based on part of Hamilton’s book Requiem for a Species (2010). It was originally published on The Conversationtheconversation.edu.au. Reproduced with permission.


5 responses to “Population: What we do in Woolies matters more than what we do in bed”

  1. Paul Wittwer Avatar
    Paul Wittwer

    What it comes down to is which one is less difficult to have some control over. Without immigration, developed nations would have stable or decreasing populations naturally.

  2. John tons Avatar
    John tons

    This is also why the developed world should not pursue policies which encourage immigration. The majority of migrants come from low carbon economies – by becoming part of a high carbon economy such as ours they only serve to exacerbate the problem.
    It also implies that our foreign affairs policy should be designed to overcome the very problems that encourage migration.
    Instead the west has a deliberate policy of recruiting trained professionals from the developed world with the result that it makes it much harder for these developing countries to lift themselves out of poverty.

    1. Geoff Evison Avatar
      Geoff Evison


      I think you are missing the point of the article if you think the answer is to discourage immigration.
      What we need is for you and I and the 22 million other Australians to consume less.

  3. Ben Courtice Avatar

    So what happens when the son of the Bangladeshi woman emigrates to Australia? Does the poor Bangladeshi woman then have her personal liability increased to a first world level? And what if her son instals solar panels and buys green energy and rides a bicycle once he gets to Australia?

    I know these are just notional, average cases; but one of the great errors of populationist theory is to try and reduce complex social and ecological problems to the role of individuals.

    The fact is, we don’t pollute as individuals. We don’t individually burn coal, we don’t individually import cars and petrol; we do it collectively as a nation and society. Actually, that is also the problem with the personal “frugality” suggestion made by Hamilton here.

    A great (rather more tongue-in-cheek) suggestion has been made by Fed Magdoff:

    “I therefore propose the following program for immediate implementation:
    – Enforce either a “no-child” or a “one-child” policy on the wealthy;
    – Immediately introduce a 100% inheritance tax on the wealthy; and
    – Lower the income of the wealthy by having a very modest maximum compensation (analogous to a minimum wage).”

  4. Paul Wittwer Avatar
    Paul Wittwer

    Part of the answer most definitely is to have a stable population which means less immigration.
    The ecological footprint allows each person 1.8 global ha and the Australian average is 6.6Gha.
    Clearly the quickest and easiest politically is to stablise then reduce population.
    Longer term we need to work on raising standards of living for the poorest and reducing our own ecological footprint.
    Both of these measures will reduce our standard of living, as it is currently perceived, to a level most of us cannot comprehend.
    Can you just imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth when this is proposed by any government in the developed world?
    I personally believe it is impossible to have a good, secure and happy life, living sustainably, at such a low figure of 1.8Gha per person. I think we could get down to perhaps 3Gha/pers. The implication there is that world population needs to be no more than 4 billion if all are to have a decent standard of living while living sustainably with the rest of the natural world.

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