Are political leaders afraid of admitting there is a positive solution to climate change?

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According to one of Australia’s leading climate policy thinkers, there has been a lack of honesty from political leaders on the challenges facing the world due to climate change, and the problem has been presented to the public as more complicated than it is in reality.

CEO of ClimateWorks Australia  Anna Skarbek told a panel at the All Energy Conference in Melbourne that because of a lack of action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions there is an ever diminishing window within which governments can act to avoid the worst impacts of global warming.

Skarbek said that the world has already missed its opportunity to stem greenhouse gas emissions in an incremental way, and as a result, governments will need to lead an increasingly rapid transformation of our energy systems.

“The decade we are in now was called the critical decade because by 2020, emissions were supposed to peak. They haven’t. We missed that moment. So the next decade is going to be termed the transformational decade, and what I took home from New York is that it is time to think exponentially,” Skarbek told the conference.

Skarbek cited examples as the role Australia can play in supplying a global energy export market and aiming for 700% renewable energy production, as ARENA CEO Darren Miller articulated to RenewEconomy, as the type of ‘exponential’ response needed.

“There is a tremendous opportunity for us to be a supplier of zero emissions energy to the world. It is a 700GW volume of solar and wind produce to produce hydrogen. A 700 per cent increase on the current large scale renewable energy supply. That’s exponential thinking,” Skarbek said

Climate change and energy policy have served as political footballs in Australia, and overseas, for well over a decade. Political leaders have used uncertainties in the energy transition, and the end of the fossil fuel industry, to raise the fears of voters.

Skarbek pointed to the difficult and prolonged debate over energy and climate change policy, reflecting that a major cause has been an unwillingness amongst leaders to engage in the complexities of the energy transition.

“There is a small group that are trying to position this as being more complex than it is. Its just been oversold and under imagined,” Skarbek added.

“One of the reasons, I think, for the loss in trust in institutions is this that there has been a lack of honesty about a vast number of issues, including in relation to climate and sustainability.”

“There’s been a fear amongst leaders to admit that it’s hard and that is a very big and exponential goal. But on the other side, there is a really great vision and view. We’ve been afraid of expressing the vision because we don’t want to articulate the steps of the transition,” Skarbek added.

It was a point echoed by Chloe Munro, former CEO of the Clean Energy Regulator and Professorial fellow at Monash University, who said governments should focus on making it easier for consumers, and providing reassurance that acting on climate change does not mean sacrificing a good way of life.

“It’s really about making it easy and making it real. A lot of the issues are around fear, and people finding political advantage of that fear. It doesn’t really help.”

“But we should be very afraid of unmitigated climate change. But to use fear as a motivator is quite depressing.”

Munro added that a key part of the answer was to help people understand and see what an energy transition can create positive opportunities in which people can participate.

“People need to see that they can be part of it. We can take for granted that net zero by 2050 is where we are heading. There will be jobs, and your home will comfortable and lovely to live in. It’s about both imagining it, but also making it real,” Munro said.

Michael Mazengarb is a climate and energy policy analyst with more than 15 years of professional experience, including as a contributor to Renew Economy. He writes at Tempests and Terawatts.


5 responses to “Are political leaders afraid of admitting there is a positive solution to climate change?”

  1. Ren Stimpy Avatar
    Ren Stimpy

    I’m uncomfortable with these established people speaking with such assurance about hydrogen. We have a long way to go to replace our dirty electrons with clean electrons, and also the electric vehicle revolution is still playing out. When those are close to completion maybe then start talking about a surplus of clean electrons that can generate hydrogen exports.

    1. Jon Avatar

      The hydrogen market will help build the RE generation.
      The companies building the RE will only build as much as is required.
      Hydrogen electrolysers can also be part of the generation flexibility by being part of the demand management.

  2. dono Avatar
    We will never reduce HGH emissions while ever we maintain the illusion that growth can continue

    Lake Macquarie City is a vibrant place to work, live and invest. Its natural landscape, particularly the lake and coastline, shape our lifestyle and love of the outdoors. The nine major centres strategically spread across the City are focal points for employment, recreation, retail and services. Three of them, at Charlestown, Glendale and Morisset, are important regional hubs for the Hunter. We are committed to preserving the City’s unique features, but we are also preparing for change. Growth provides opportunity. In Lake Macquarie, population growth has the potential to stimulate investment, construction, employment and consumer expenditure within the City. Increased economic activity will ensure our City is recognised as a leading contributor to the region. By making plans now, we can influence local growth and help increase economic activity so it enhances the lifestyle of our residents. More jobs, plenty of housing, ample services and many opportunities to connect and play will make our City even better. Imagine Lake Mac provides us with strategies to preserve and enrich the parts of our community and environment that we love most. It also ensures we can adapt to change as it occurs, and leverage opportunities that will allow us to live life to its fullest. I welcome the future that Imagine Lake Mac seeks to achieve.

    Morven Cameron

    Chief Executive Officer


  3. Robin_Harrison Avatar

    The finest democracies money can buy are systemically inclined to protect and enhance the interests of the status quo and obstruct any disruption of those interests. The energy and transport transition is certainly disrupting them and the major skill set of all political puppets is fomenting fear.

  4. Ken Dyer Avatar
    Ken Dyer

    In general terms, governments need to suppress market forces to ensure that emissions from burning carbon are reined in and properly funded.

    You won’t see this under the current LNP COALition government however. A key area is wholesale energy, and to suppress this market, the Government should take ownership and control of the energy distribution grid, plus all big carbon based suppliers.

    Currently, corporations hold carbon reserves that would destroy the planet if burned. Investment in renewable technologies should be incentivised and subsidised and maintained in the private sector where possible, whilst carbon based technology is banned.

    The energy price to consumers should be kept high in order to suppress demand and change behaviour. At the same time, technologies for local power grids and the like should be promoted .

    We need to punish energy inefficiency and award energy efficiency across the whole spectrum of energy creation and use. At the same time, we should also be penalising carbon based energy generators across all sectors.

    We should also be encouraging and rewarding innovation in the clean energy space.

    Our political leaders know what needs to be done, they are not stupid. It is another matter entirely to provide the necessary political leadership and will to move towards a carbon free environment. Everybody will suffer in the short term, in our debt laden society, that is coming under increasing pressure from an ageing population, a burgeoning population crisis and increasing inequality.

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