Home » Press Releases » Small-scale renewable energy systems installed across Australia in January to March 2018

Small-scale renewable energy systems installed across Australia in January to March 2018


To provide a clearer picture of small-scale installations in Australia, the Clean Energy Regulator has moved to quarterly publications of Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme installation and capacity data.

Our first ever Small-scale renewable energy tracker is now available on our Renewable Energy Target media resources page. It provides a snapshot of some of the data captured under Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, including trends and developments in each state and territory and high-resolution infographics.

Key data

There were 50,592 small-scale systems installed nationally in the first quarter of 2018, with a total capacity of 259,889 kW.

Please note, the Clean Energy Regulator’s postcode data for small-scale installations will continue to be updated monthly. This resource provides more detailed information for small-scale installations across every postcode in Australia.

New trends

  • There were 50,592 small-scale systems installed nationally in Quarter 1 2018, with a total capacity of 259,889 kW.
  • Queensland continues to have the highest level of small-scale installations across Australia with 12,286 installed so far in Quarter 1 2018.
  • Queensland had the highest number of commercial sized solar PV systems (10-100kW) installed in Quarter 1 2018, with 879 systems installed.
  • There were 3084 commercial sized solar PV systems (10-100kW) installed Australia-wide in Quarter 1 2018.
  • There were 909 solar PV systems that had a concurrent battery storage installation in Quarter 1 2018.


2 responses to “Small-scale renewable energy systems installed across Australia in January to March 2018”

  1. palmz Avatar

    Question ??? so how does 259,889KW in three months equal more than 100MW per month?

    someone’s data is wrong or is it lower due to some data lag ?

    1. Brad Avatar

      Data lag basically. Analysts likely get their data from installers and manufacturers whereas the CER is only counting systems when they are registered to receive STCs. The result of this is that about 40% of eventual system registrations for a month will be recorded in the month of the install, about 70% by the month after and the final 30% over the next 7-10 months.

      As of the end of April the progression of registration capacity in the first quarter looked like this:




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