Yarranlea Solar Farm under construction in Queensland

Source: PA Wire

Construction has begun on the 121MW Yarranlea solar farm west of Toowoomba, in Queensland, two months after the project was bought by the Australian arm of China-based renewables company, Risen Energy.

As we reported here, Risen bought the project – which had been under development by a company of the same name, Yarranlea Solar – in February, announcing plans to go ahead with the build without a power purchase agreement.

Risen have been boosting their presence in Australia since mid-2016, when the company announced its plans to co-invest in capital projects, provide access to its EPC division, and offer a diversified range of products suited to large scale solar PV installations.

On Yarranlea – which was approved for development in 2016, but has since encountered a number of technical and regulatory hurdles – Risen said they would take the solar farm from engineering design to construction and commissioning, and then own and operate the project.

John Zhong, Risen’s director of project development and investment said the company could do all this on a merchant basis, and without a PPA, thanks to the competitive nature of Australia’s energy prices.

“Due to wholesale electricity markets, Risen Energy will fund 100 per cent of the Yarranlea Solar Farm project without finance,” Zhong said in comments on Wednesday.

“No PPA is attached to the Yarranlea Solar Farm project so we decided to go ahead with merchant to capture the NEM spot price.”

Risen says it expects to have finished construction of Yarranlea sometime near the end of 2018. Once completed, the solar farm is expected to generate roughly 264GWh a year, which it will export to the NEM via an existing nearby substation.


14 responses to “Yarranlea Solar Farm under construction in Queensland”

  1. Ren Stimpy Avatar
    Ren Stimpy

    1) Well done.
    2) When will it show up on the widget?

    1. Steve Applin Avatar
      Steve Applin

      Probably somewhere around the end of 2018 after they’ve finished construction.

      1. Ren Stimpy Avatar
        Ren Stimpy


    2. Paul McArdle Avatar

      … as with all projects (for which AEMO publishes data, or we can source somewhere else) they will turn up as soon as they start generating…

      1. Connor Avatar

        You guys have make it sound like there is a way to see the amount being generated by each power plant/station. Am I interpreting that right, or is Ren just referring to it adding data under the “large scale solar” section of the widget?

        1. Ben C Avatar
          Ben C

          yeah he means the large scale solar section. its great to see the orange bars growing and showing up in new states!

          1. Steve Applin Avatar
            Steve Applin

            For some reason there are two large scale PV plants on the SWIS which don’t appear on NEM Watch.

          2. Paul McArdle Avatar

            Hi Steve (and others who also have Feedback) there is a “Feedback” button on the widget itself. Please use this to provide us more info about the ones you think are missing – and include your phone number so we can call to ask further questions (or give you a direct answer) if you’d like.

            Details you submit that way come just to us and are not made public.

          3. George Darroch Avatar
            George Darroch

            I love the widget and it’s great to see the orange bar growing – no suggestions from me, only compliments!

          4. Steve Applin Avatar
            Steve Applin

            Have done Paul.

            I thought I did a while ago after Greenough Solar Farm dropped off the NEM widget and didn’t get a response (and didn’t really expect one). I assume Emu Downs doesn’t appear because it’s co-located with a wind farm and the metering of its output is not publicly disclosed.

            I’m just an interested observer, not someone with any sort of industry insight.

          5. Dylan Wilson Avatar

            Hi Steve,

            I tried replying to your feedback but it appears you might have entered the wrong email address on the feedback form. If you try try again I’ll get back to you.

          6. Steve Applin Avatar
            Steve Applin

            Done Dylan, phone number and email are definitely correct this time (sorry). Appreciate your time on this.

          7. Ben C Avatar
            Ben C

            yeah i was wondering about that. i remember seeing 10 MW of large scale solar in WA regularly until a few months ago when it just disappeared

        2. Steve Applin Avatar
          Steve Applin

          You can see output by plant/station for the SWIS, plus a lot of other data – https://www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Wholesale-Electricity-Market-WEM/Data-dashboard

          The only thing not on there is the split between solar and wind at Emu Downs Wind Farm.

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