Monday, Feb. 20
Top 5 Faux Careers to Avoid Discussing Global Warming
If you’re in the realm of climate science, sometimes it’s simply easier to dodge a question about what you do for a living — or flat out lie — than to endure another heated argument about global warming. So, here’s a ready-made list of the Top 5 socially acceptable professions to rely on for avoiding global warming arguments.
Image of the Day: A Plume of Volcanic Gas
A satellite image shows a plume of volcanic gas, possibly mixed with a little ash, rising above an island’s summit.
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Strong Reaction to Scientist’s Role in Heartland Case
Gleick’s confession has elicited a wide range of reactions from climate reporters and bloggers on all sides of the climate debate. Here is a comprehensive roundup of such reactions to the latest developments in the Heartland Institute leak scandal.
In the Andes, Freak Cold Extracts a Brutal Toll
The Andes, warming for decades, has seen three bitter winters that have left more than 400 dead and aid agencies scrambling.
Wednesday, Feb. 22
Climate Change Increased Likelihood of Russian Heatwave
The extreme Russian heatwave of 2010 was made three times more likely because of man-made climate change, according to a study led by climate scientists and number-crunched by home PC users.
Surf’s Up: The Web’s Best Reading of Heartland Scandal
For those of you who haven’t had the time to surf through it all, here are the reactions and commentaries that popped up on our radar.
Thursday, Feb. 23
Scientist Behind Heartland Expose Faces Fight to Save Job
The career and reputation of the scientist behind the Heartland Institute exposé is in jeopardy, after his employers said they were reviewing his use of deception to obtain confidential documents. The review was the most serious potential repercussion to date of the admission by Peter Gleick.
Pass the Ketchup, Test-Tube Burger on the Menu Soon?
The goal of the project is to cut the number of cattle farmed for food and in the process, reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Friday, Feb. 24
Avalanches Taking Toll: Foreshadowing the Future?
While it may seem like more snow would lead to more avalanches, experts say that in many areas, the high avalanche danger this year is tied to the thin, weak snowpack that was established earlier this winter, and is now failing to hold on to new snow that falls.
And on a final note, with the 84th Academy Awards being televised this Sunday night, here’s a little hint on Best Picture. It’s called “Take Shelter”, a great film with not-so-subtle climate change tangents. You can thank us later.
An unedited version of this article was originally published on Climate Central – Reproduced with permission.