The traps laid by the fossil gas industry for uninformed households

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Eight years ago, independent energy advisor and researcher, Tim Forcey published some research with the University of Melbourne that showed how people could heat their homes using reverse cycle air conditioners for a third of the cost of burning gas.

The news was surprising at the time, and although the media covered the story, Forcey wanted more people to know how they could save money on their heating bills by getting off gas.

In an interview with the SwitchedOn Australia podcast Forcey says it was his kids who suggested he set up a facebook group, even though he he didn’t know what facebook was.

My Efficient Electric Home (MEEH) started as a place to discuss heating homes with air conditioners, but people wanted to branch out and talk about solar panels, heat pumps for hot water, draught proofing, and insulation – in fact anything to do with energy upgrades and electrification.

To read more of this article, to listen to the podcast, and to read and hear more on electrification in general, please go to our SwitchedOn sub-site.

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