Home » Solar » Rooftop solar installs charge on – possible speed humps ahead

Rooftop solar installs charge on – possible speed humps ahead

rooftop solar
AAP Image/Dan Himbrechts

One Step Off The Grid

Australian homes and businesses continue to invest in rooftop solar at an impressive clip, with the total volume installed for the year to date currently tracking 45 per cent higher than the same time last year.

According to the latest monthly tally from solar analysts SunWiz, a total of 157MW of residential and commercial PV was installed in the month of April, marking a drop in volume from March, thanks mainly to the Easter and Anzac Day public holidays.

The “April dip” saw volumes fall in every state and across all solar size classes, SunWiz reports, except in the smaller commercial ranges of 20-30kW, and 50-75kW.

“Commercial is on the wane, as a proportion of STC volume, across most states, NSW being the exception,” said SunWiz managing director Warwick Johnston.

In particular, he said, the 75-100kW market was cooling off, even as the10-20kW space recovered.

Johnston said all eyes would now be on the Victorian residential market, watching for any impact from the pause in the state government’s Solar Homes rebate, which will kick back in in July.

To read the full story on RenewEconomy sister site, One Step Off The Grid, click here…

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