From December 19, 2024, Renew Economy will be changing its article comment platform from Disqus to native WordPress comments.
We understand that some readers may be frustrated by this change, and we apologies for any inconvenience, and we really value the input from our readers and the debates and the interaction.
But the move is essential to improve website performance, comment moderation and user experience. The update will mirror the change we made earlier in the year to the comment section of our sister website The Driven.
To help make this transition as smooth as possible for readers, we will trial this update, initially, without the need for users to create or login to an account to comment.
A background ReCaptcha will help prevent spam and bots. If we find that the comment section requires excessive moderation as a result, we may implement a requirement to have an account to comment.
Our developer team is working on a way to keep all existing comments from Disqus, but it is possible we could lose all existing Disqus comments as a result of this update.
If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please email [email protected]
Thank you for being a reader of Renew Economy and for your continued support.