Home » Press Releases » Redback startup charges up new Queensland jobs

Redback startup charges up new Queensland jobs


A Brisbane-based energy technology startup Redback Technologies plans to double its current workforce of 54 over the next six months.

Visiting Redback Technologies  at its base on the University of Queensland campus, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Redback was founded in Brisbane with three staff, and through collaboration and support from the Queensland Government, UQ, the solar industry and private sector investors including EnergyAustralia, has grown to 54 staff, including 47 at its Brisbane head office.

“Businesses like Redback have contributed to the 94,500 new Queensland jobs created since January 2015 – the equivalent of 100 new jobs every day,” the Premier said.

Redback is focussed on developing low-cost, intelligent energy solutions for residential and business customers. Redback has established an inverter and battery storage test facility at its head office.

It consists of 21 test systems (expanding to 60 systems) and provides a test bed for new hardware and software being developed in Queensland. It will also be used to provide on- site training of our national installer network.

“Redback are at the forefront of demonstrating that battery storage technology is becoming more affordable and highlighting opportunities for battery storage and intelligent energy management technologies for secure and affordable energy,” she said.

Innovation Minister Leeanne Enoch said Redback has had two funding injections, totalling $1.96 million, from the Government

“Redback was part of UQ’s ilab Germinate Program and with UQ, it had received Advance Queensland Research Fellowship grants of $540,000 for staff and resources to advance the development of smart grid capabilities,” Ms Enoch said.

“Redback are also being supported by Trade and Investment Queensland and Advance Queensland in the Dubai market.

“Advance Queensland is the Palaszczuk Government’s $420 million whole-of-government initiative, supporting jobs across a range of industry sectors,” Ms Enoch said.

Managing Director of Redback Technologies, Philip Livingston said: “Redback’s intelligent energy management solutions provide customers and businesses with the technologies that enable a reduction in energy costs and the increased integration of renewables into the grid.”

“Redback’s success would not have been possible without the fantastic support of the Queensland Government and their leadership within the renewable energy industry in this State,” he said.

Back to Work

The Premier said since July 2016 the Back to Work program — previously limited to regional centres but now available across the state since the 2017 State Budget — had seen more than 6,400 Queenslanders secure jobs.

“I urge employers, like Redback Technologies, to take advantage of the Back to Work program and give unemployed Queenslanders a start to their careers or help unemployed workers back into the work force,” she said.

Back to Work South East Queensland *

From July 1, 2017

Support payments available for eligible employers of up to:

•$15,000 for eligible employers who hire a long-term unemployed jobseeker (a person unemployed for 52 weeks or more)

•$20,000 for a young jobseeker (aged between 15-24 years)

•To be eligible, employees need to have started work on, or after Saturday 1 July 2017, and have been employed for at least four weeks.

Back to Work Regional Queensland *

Support payments currently available for eligible employers of up to:

•$10,000 for hiring an unemployed worker (specific to regional Queensland, outside South East Queensland)

•$15,000 for hiring a long-term unemployed worker (a person unemployed for 52 weeks or more)

•$20,000 Youth Boost for hiring a young jobseeker aged 15-24 years (must be employed by 31 October 2017 (inclusive)

*Eligibility criteria applies

Businesses can visit www.qld.gov.au/backtowork or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68) for more information about Back to Work, or to apply for an employer support payment.

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