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More clean energy and climate events hit by Coronavirus, COAG may choose video

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More clean energy and climate change events have been cancelled or postponed following advice from health officials on the steps needed to to slow the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, and this Friday’s key meeting of COAG energy ministers may be switched to video link.

RenewEconomy reported on Friday the postponement of a series of major events hosted by the likes of the Clean Energy Council, the Smart Energy Council and the Energy Efficiency Council, and more have followed on Monday.

The Carbon Market Institute, which has the seventh Australian Emissions Reduction Conference scheduled for late May, has indicated the conference will be postponed to a date to be decided.

The RIAA has postponed the Responsible Investing Australia 2020 conference, which was scheduled for the 17th and 18th of March, with the organisers considering options for new dates.

The City of Sydney has also postponed the Sydney Climate Action Summit. The summit was due to take place in Sydney from 31 March to 2 April, with a new date to be announced.

Several speaking events have also been cancelled, or will shift to video streams, including a National Press Club speech by NSW energy minister Matt Kean which has been cancelled, and a CEDA speech by ARENA CEO Darren Miller which was to focus on hydrogen.

It is understood that a meeting of the COAG Energy Council, scheduled to be held on 20 March in Brisbane may instead be held over teleconference.

On Friday, Australia’s Chief Medical Officer advised against the holding of non-essential events which would gather more than 500 people. The advisory has seen a range of events cancelled or postponed.

Events Postponed in response to COVID-19

Clean Energy Council:

• Perth Member Mixer – 18 March 2020
• CEO Forum (Canberra) – 25 March 2020
• Parliamentary Reception (Canberra) – 25 March 2020
• Perth Installer Night – 25 March 2020
• Wind Industry Forum (Melbourne) – 31 March 2020
• Adelaide Installer Night – 22 April 2020
New dates for all events to be confirmed, to be held after 30 April.

Smart Energy Council:

• Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition 2020 (Sydney)
• Hydrogen 2020 (Sydney)
New dates for both events are 29 and 30 September.

Carbon Market Institute:

• 7th Australian Emissions Reduction Conference (Melbourne)
New dates to be confirmed.

Australian Energy Storage Alliance:

• Australian Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition (Adelaide)
New dates to be confirmed.

Energy Networks Australia:

• Energy Networks 2020 Conference and Exhibition (Brisbane)
New dates – 14, 15 and 16 October 2020.

Energy and Mines:

• 4th annual Energy and Mines Australia Summit (Perth)
New dates – 9, 10 and 11 November.

Energy Efficiency Council:

• National Energy Efficiency Conference 2020 (Melbourne)
• National Energy Efficiency Awards Ceremony (Melbourne)
New date to be confirmed.

Bioenergy Australia:

• Australian Clean Fuels Summit (Melbourne)
New dates – 14 and 15 October 2020.

Australian Hydrogen Council:

• Australian Hydrogen Conference (Melbourne)
New dates – 16 and 17 November 2020.

City of Sydney:

• Sydney Climate Action Summit
New dates to be confirmed.


• Responsible Investing Australia 2020 conference (Sydney)
New dates to be confirmed.

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