With all of the attention focused on “the world’s biggest battery”, an outsider might be forgiven for thinking that this is all that’s going on in the National Electricity Market at present. However, that’s far from the case.
This morning we see this ASX Announcement from Genex Power of first revenue from the Kidston Energy Park – so we powered up NEMreview v7 to have a closer look:
The first stage of Genex Power’s world-leading Kidston solar and “giant water battery” project began sending electricity to the grid in northern Queensland this morning, from the project’s initial 50MW PV array.
That makes it Queensland’s biggest operating solar power plant – at least for a time. Stage two will add another 270MW of solar PV and pumped hydro energy storage capacity of 2000MWh by the time it is completed, in early 2021.
One of the advantages in moving our popular NEM-Review software online with the development of version 7 is that we’re able to share links to trends such as the one above.
For those who are interested (and have a licence), you can access an updated trend as above through the template file we’ve created here.
Source: Watt Clarity. Reproduced with permission.