The Clean Energy Regulator welcomes the appointment of Mr David Parker AM as the new Chair of the agency.
Mr Parker replaces Ms Chloe Munro who completed her five-year term on 31 March 2017.
The Clean Energy Regulator is an economic regulator with an environmental objective that administers many of the government’s climate change laws.
Mr Parker, who will join the agency from the beginning of July, has extensive experience in economics and public administration.
Acting Chair Jody Swirepik said Mr Parker brings the relevant skills and experience required to lead the agency through the next chapter of climate policy in Australia.
“As a senior Commonwealth public servant Mr Parker has had responsibility for climate change policy and a long professional involvement in energy markets and regulatory matters,” Ms Swirepik said.
“He is widely respected across many industries, having worked on some of the country’s most critical issues over the last two decades.”
“We’re very pleased to welcome a strong pair of hands who has a track record of driving effective implementation and managing complex reforms.”
The agency also welcomes the reappointment of Ms Anne Brown and Ms Virginia Malley as members of the Regulator for three years.
“Anne and Virginia have provided guidance and support to the agency as members of the Regulator since 2012; their reappointment is very welcomed,” Ms Swirepik said.
“On behalf of the Regulator, I would again like to extend our gratitude and commendation of Chloe Munro’s leadership since the agency’s establishment in 2012. Ms Munro was a driving force for our agency and for good public policy in the climate and energy sectors in Australia”.
About the Clean Energy Regulator
The Clean Energy Regulator is the Government body responsible for administering legislation that will reduce carbon emissions and increase the use of clean energy. Our purpose is to accelerate carbon abatement for Australia. Everything we do is connected to measuring, managing, reducing or offsetting Australia’s carbon emissions.