Home » Chart of the day: The climate harm of Australia’s proposed gas pipelines

Chart of the day: The climate harm of Australia’s proposed gas pipelines

An oil and gas well flaring gas in northeast Colorado.
Credit: WildEarth Guardians/flickr

A new report from consultancy group Global Energy Monitor attributes the emissions impact of Australia’s planned and under-construction gas pipelines. It’s big.

“Lock-in of future emissions. Pipeline projects under construction and in pre-construction will support a lifetime increase in oil and gas CO2 emissions of 170 gigatonnes, only 15% less than the projected lifetime CO2 emissions of the currently operating global coal plant fleet”

Their report assumes a pipeline utilisation of 50%, and a 40 year lifespan. In Australia alone, the amount of additional emissions that will be enabled by more fossil fuel infrastructure is phenomenonal. So today’s chart of the day is some comparisons.

Ketan Joshi is a European-based climate and energy consultant.

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