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Why Harris v Trump is the everything-but-climate election

The US climate movement must support a candidate that celebrates fracking and the growth of a domestic fossil fuel industry, because the alternative is Donald Trump.

Australia’s most fossil dependent economy opens up to renewable energy highways

W.A. government seeks expressions of interest in four new transmission corridors to deliver huge amounts of wind and solar to Australia’s most fossil dependent economic region.
Wind powers a record summer for renewable energy in Britain, record low for fossil fuels

Wind powers a record summer for renewable energy in Britain, record low for fossil fuels

August 2024 becomes the first time fossil fuels (98.5% gas and 1.5% coal) fell to third place in the British electricity mix over an entire month.

All Commentary

Why Harris v Trump is the everything-but-climate election

Why Harris v Trump is the everything-but-climate election

The US climate movement must support a candidate that celebrates fracking and the growth of a domestic fossil fuel industry, because the alternative is Donald Trump.
Australia’s most fossil dependent economy opens up to renewable energy highways

Australia’s most fossil dependent economy opens up to renewable energy highways

W.A. government seeks expressions of interest in four new transmission corridors to deliver huge amounts of wind and solar to Australia’s most fossil dependent economic region.
Wind powers a record summer for renewable energy in Britain, record low for fossil fuels

Wind powers a record summer for renewable energy in Britain, record low for fossil fuels

August 2024 becomes the first time fossil fuels (98.5% gas and 1.5% coal) fell to third place in the British electricity mix over an entire month.
Victoria’s gas cooktop concession is hardly laudable, but it’s not a tectonic shift in policy, either

Victoria’s gas cooktop concession is hardly laudable, but it’s not a tectonic shift in policy, either

Amid the mouth-frothing nonsense from the gas industry and Murdoch press, the Allen government is pressing ahead with its gas substitution policy.
Six ways to improve ecosystem outcomes of renewable energy

Six ways to improve ecosystem outcomes of renewable energy

The rapid shift to renewables carries significant risks to already stressed ecosystems. Our research finds ways to minimise this risk, ranging from strategic planning to smart technology.
Methane emissions are at new highs. It could put us on a dangerous climate path

Methane emissions are at new highs. It could put us on a dangerous climate path

Fourth global methane budget shows emissions of this potent greenhouse gas are still rising rapidly. This is bad news, but not an impossible problem.
For coal communities, net zero is not a theoretical exercise. We don’t have time to chase techno-fantasies

For coal communities, net zero is not a theoretical exercise. We don’t have time to chase techno-fantasies

Australia’s coal communities depend on an energy transition that creates opportunity, delivers equity, and builds prosperity. We cannot afford another wasted second.
New legislation on corporate emissions reporting has made it through parliament. Will it lead to real action on climate change?

New legislation on corporate emissions reporting has made it through parliament. Will it lead to real action on climate change?

Federal parliament has quietly passed new legislation to increase and standardise greenhouse gas reporting for Australia’s largest companies. Is this a win for climate?
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