Home » Press Releases » Alesia becomes the world’s first PR agency to accept SolarCoins as means of payment for its services

Alesia becomes the world’s first PR agency to accept SolarCoins as means of payment for its services


Paris, France, and Greenwich (CT), USA – June 07th, 2018 – Alesia Communications, the renewable energy PR & Marketing specialist, announced today that it will now accept payments in SolarCoins for the delivery of its services.

With this move, Alesia Communications takes a strong step forward in fostering the SolarCoin ecosystem. The SolarCoin blockchain project is a solar-based alternative digital currency which powers the SolarCoin ecosystem, and ambitions to create tomorrow’s smart solar economy.

 Solarcoins are granted for free by the SolarCoin Foundation to every solar power producer that registers their installations on the SolarCoin platform. They are granted at the rate of §1SolarCoin for each MWh of verified solar energy produced.

A number of Solar IPPs like ACWA Power have already registered their PV assets on the SolarCoin platform. Such companies will be able to use the Solarcoin they earn to secure Alesia’s PR and marketing services.

“Alesia is proud to be an early adopter of SolarCoin. We want to contribute to this visionary project, whose success largely depends on the active creation of a diversified and plentiful network of suppliers who accept SolarCoin as a medium for value exchange. The point is to build a circular economy and as more companies adopt Solarcoin as a trusted means of payment, the SolarCoin economy will become exponentially valuable and useful”, said Jonathan Collings, Managing Partner at Alesia Communications.

Recently, Alesia Communications has also partnered with the SolarCoin Foundation to become an official affiliate, mandated by the Foundation to provide onboarding services to solar Power Producers and PV plant owners. As an affiliate, Alesia assists Solar IPPs through the process of registering their solar installations, enabling them to earn SolarCoins and add a new revenue stream to their business at no additional cost.

SolarCoin: Incentivising solar PV energy production through blockchain innovation

SolarCoin is a blockchain digital asset that works like air-miles for solar electricity generation. SolarCoin offers a new incentive for solar power generation on a global scale, independently and additionally to existing government subsidies.

Each SolarCoin in circulation represents 1 Mwh of solar electricity generation. SolarCoins are claimed by individuals living in homes with solar panels or commercial and utility-scale solar PV producers.

SolarCoins are granted at the rate of §1SLR for each MWh of validated solar energy produced and provide for a shorter payback period and higher return on investment for the solar installation.

The SolarCoin Foundation manages the distribution of SolarCoins using verified solar facilities as the “proof of work”. The SolarCoin Foundation also maintains a public ledger detailing each SolarCoin given out to solar electricity generators.

SolarCoin is an open community project run by volunteers interested in creating an incentive to benefit the environment, and working together as the SolarCoin Foundation.

In working closely with the solar industry, the SolarCoin Foundation, with SolarCoin, is at the base of a virtuous circle, creating an uptake for solar equipment and helping create jobs in the renewable energy sector.

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