Wind energy has set new records in Europe, accounting for 20 per cent of all electricity demand on September 11, with the output of offshore wind at unprecedented levels.
The benchmark, recorded by Wind Europe, comes as new energy tenders in the UK saw a dramatic fall in off-shore wind prices to levels where it will receive no subsidy, as explained in this analysis by Simon Evans from Carbon Brief. A similar result was achieved in a German energy auction early this year.
On Monday, wind power accounted for 19.6 per cent of the total electricity demand in Europe, with offshore wind reaching a record level of 11,484MWÂ at 11pm – as noted by the industry group Wind Europe on its website.
Over the day, onshore wind produced 1,360GWh of electricity, and offshore wind 251GWh of electricity, and remarkably the output was relatively stable across the day.
Over the day, wind accounted for 83 per cent of Denmark’s electricity demand, and 54 per cent of Ireland’s demand and 42 per cent of Germany’s electricity demand.
Other countries with notable contributions from wind energy included Portugal (29 per cent), UK (29 per cent), Netherlands (25 per cent) and Spain (24 per cent).
Which meant that the combined output of wind and solar (105GW) was above that of coal and gas (85GW) and the combined output of wind, solar and hydro (160GW) almost double that of coal and gas.