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Third round for new energy technology projects


The Andrews Labor Government today opened the third ro und of the New Energy Jobs Fund for new energy technology projects to encourage the up take of renewable energy and reduce emissions .

Round three of the New Energy Jobs Fund program will offer a total of up to $3 million, with grants of between $20,000 and $1 million available.

The program is designed to assist community and business needs, with a focus on funding projects which will deliver significant community benefits.

Round three will have separate streams for new energy technology community and industry applications with catego ries that focus on manufacturing, technology, sustainable transport, community and skills.

Round one closed in March 2016, with 24 successful projec ts and funding of $5.9 million. Round two closed in March 2017, with 21 projects and funding of $6.8 million . The New Energy Jobs Fund is an initiative of the $200 million Future Industries Fund.

The Government also announced the opening of the Expression of Interest stage of a $10 million Microgrid Demonstration Initiative.

Grants of between $100,000 and $5 mi llion will be available to facilitate and implement state – wide microgrid demonstration projects, with the aim of unlocking clean energy microgrid markets in Victoria .

The Expression of Interest is seeking to identify projects and explore the range of potential microgrid solutions and will be followed by a Request for Proposal in 2018.

The funding aims to support a range of demonstration projects in different locations, building t ypes, scale and business models .

Quote s attributable to Minister for Energ y, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“Through initiatives like the New Energy Jobs Fund and the microgrid project, we’re helping create new jobs and improve our renewable energy capabilities.”

“Renewable energy is vital to Victoria’s energy future – making energy supplies cleaner, attracting investment and creating jobs.”

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