The largest-ever state renewable energy solicitation is just one of the moves that the Cuomo Administration has taken in response to U.S. President Donald Trump exiting the Paris Agreement.
To say that U.S. President Donald Trump’s moves regarding the climate and energy are controversial may be something of an understatement. The reality TV star turned world leader’s combination of blistering ignorance and plying energy mythology to workers in economically challenged industries has not won him any friends among the political leadership of the Northeast, West Coast and other regions.
If anything, Trump’s rejection of the Paris Agreement has inspired new ambition among those political leaders who are not hopelessly beholden to the fossil fuel industries. As evidence of this, last Friday New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) announced an initiative to take aggressive action on climate change, including two renewable energy procurements totaling a whopping $1.5 billion.
Source:Â PV Magazine. Reproduced with permission.