Home » Press Releases » Melbourne City Council endorses the Victorian Renewable Energy Target

Melbourne City Council endorses the Victorian Renewable Energy Target


Last night, the Melbourne City Council voted unanimously to welcome the Victorian Renewable Energy Targets (VRET) and endorse passage of legislation enshrining the targets in state parliament.

Voting yes to the motion, Liberal Lord Mayor Robert Doyle said renewables are “good business” in a welcome sign of leadership.

Friends of the Earth Melbourne say the vote demonstrates all parties can support jobs and investment in renewable energy ahead of an anticipated vote on the VRET in state parliament.

“This is a welcome sign of leadership by Liberal Lord Mayor Robert Doyle, and a sign that all politicians can support jobs and investment in renewables,”said Pat Simons Friends of the Earth’s renewable energy spokesperson.

“It’s time for Premier Daniel Andrews to bring the much anticipated Victorian Renewable Energy Target before state parliament. The sector backs it, the community wants it, and the climate demands it.”

Friends of the Earth research found that in 2014, 1 in 10 jobs in Melbourne’srenewable energy sector were lost due to uncertainty unleashed by the Abbott government’s attacks on the national Renewable Energy Target (RET).

“If the former leader of the Victorian Liberal Party and current Lord Mayor Robert Doyle can back Victoria’s Renewable Energy Targets, why not opposition leader Matthew Guy?”

Following orders from the flailing Turnbull government the Guy opposition has made a misgudied pledge to axe the VRET if elected, despite polling by The Australia Institute finding a massive 72% of Coalition voters backing an increase to state renewable energy targets.

“Not only is Guy’s stance out of touch with his pro-renewables base, now he is even out of touch with the former leader of the Victorian Liberals. It’s time he reassessed his position on the VRET.”

Additional Info

Notice of motion: City of Melbourne Support for the VRETs

– City of Melbourne will soon host the EcoCity World Summit July 12-14, and has it’s own renewable energy target of 25% by 2018.

–  The VRET will assist the City in achieving it’s zero net emissions strategy.

– Recent polling by The Australia Institute found 72% of Coalition voters supported an increase to renewable energy targets in their state.

– Friends of the Earth research found that in 2014, 1 in 10 jobs were lost in Melbourne’s renewable energy sector due to Abbott’s cuts to the RET.

The motion was moved by Cr Cathy Oke, seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Arron Wood and unanimously endorsed by Melbourne City Council.

Cr Cathy Oke: [email protected]

Deputy Lord Mayor Arron Wood: [email protected]

City of Melbourne 03 9658 9658

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