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Hear from Leading Solar Researchers in Melbourne in December 2017


Australia continues to set records across the board in solar, from new materials and devices to consumer interest and install rates. The rate of change of progress is rapid and to stay current with the latest in technology developments and deployment, each year, Australia’s leading solar researchers get together in an annual conference, with international and regional colleagues.

This year that conference will be held in Melbourne from 5-7 of
December. http://apvi.org.au/solar-research-conference/ at the Bayview Eden, Melbourne.

Solar technology developments discussed at the conference are diverse and include solar PV, concentrating solar and solar heating and cooling. Research covers the from fundamental materials and device developments, to policy research and leanings from deployment in Australia and the region.

The conference aims to keep the solar community and stakeholders informed of the latest in their own field and progress across the portfolio of research and applications for solar energy.

A/Professor Jacek Jaseniak of Monash Energy Materials and Systems Institute is the Conference Chair for 2017, coordinating an organising committee that reflects the diversity of interests in solar across Australia.

The conference program includes

– Plenary speakers to start each day, including world renowned Professor Martin Green from UNSW, Jenny Reisz from AEMO, Pierre Verlinden, Chief Scientist at Trina Solar (worlds largest manufacturer of solar modules), Greg Wilson Centre Director of US Renewable Energy Labs (NREL) and Simon Corbell, Victoria’s Renewable Energy Advocate among others.

-135 Papers submitted to be presented in three parallel streams attracting technology updates from across Australia and the region.

– Six Technology streams including PV Materials and Devices, Concentrating Solar Power, Solar Heating and Cooling, Solar Fuels, Deployment and Integration and Solar in Emerging Economies

Plus parallel sessions on
– Australia’s engagement in IEA PV Power Systems and IEA Solar Heating and Cooling programs, .

– PUSCH = Promoting the Use of Solar Cooling and Heating in Australian Buildings – Australian Renewable Energy Agency workshop (ARENA) (details tba)
– Annual Research Review for Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics (ACAP)

Conference registrations are kept competitively priced to make the event accessible to students and researchers with full conference registration for three days at only $675 and for students only $300 (both before GST).

Register now to participate in this annual event. http://apvi.org.au/solar-research-conference/register-now/

2017 is on track to establish new records in solar deployment. This high uptake of solar creates new employment opportunities and is expected to lead to even more as the technology and market develops with monitoring, analytics, demand management and storage. Victoria has set a landmark Renewable Energy Target and is well positioned to demonstrate what the next generation in energy generation and integration will look like.

The conference is hosted by APVI in partnership with the Australian Centre for Advance PV (ACAP), Australian Solar Thermal Research Initative (ASTRI) , ARENA, Monash Energy Materials and Systems Institute, Melbourne Energy Institute (MEI), University of Adelaide, IT Power, Sustainable Energy Transformations and Solar Analytics Pty Ltd.

The APVI is a network of industry, research and government working together on PV research and analysis.

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