Home » Solar » Solar overboard: PV panels sunk in NSW shipping spill

Solar overboard: PV panels sunk in NSW shipping spill

A container-load of solar modules are among the nappies, white goods and bicycles that wound up in Davy Jones’ locker last weekend, after a Taiwanese shipping company mishap off the NSW coast.

High-end solar PV manufacturer Winaico said on Thursday that a container-load of its modules, destined for Botany Bay, was among the 83 in total that wound up in the drink when the YM Efficiency was hit by heavy swells.

“It has been widely publicised that the vessel contained white goods, bikes, nappies and other high quality Taiwanese produce but there was one thing that they did not mention,” Winaico said in an emailed statement to clients.

“The ship was also transporting a container of our solar modules which according to the shipping line is currently at the bottom of the ocean somewhere near Port Stevens, NSW.”

The company, which is well insured against such mishaps, said the lost modules meant that it “may have to juggle a little around to keep everyone happy” in lead up to the end of financial year, and warned that there could be some delays in deliveries.

However, it did say it had plenty of stock of 275W, 285W and 310W panels.

Customers of Winaico with any concerns or projects coming up are encouraged to to contact the team at [email protected].

The news is not so reassuring for local marine life, or the region’s beaches, however, with reports of hundreds of kilos of lost cargo still at the bottom of the sea and washing up to shore.

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