Home » Storage » Plan for very big battery near very small town joins queue for federal approval

Plan for very big battery near very small town joins queue for federal approval

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Victoria Big Battery. Image supplied

Plans to install a very big battery energy storage system (BESS) in Queensland’s Gladstone region, outside the small town of Raglan, have joined the queue for federal environmental approval.

The 500 megawatt (MW) Raglan Battery Project is proposed for construction by Ace Power, a New South Wales-based renewable energy developer backed by shareholder and partner Pelion Green Future.

In documents submitted to the federal EPBC portal, AcePower says the Raglan BESS – which, at this stage has an unspecified energy storage duration – will import electricity from the grid and store it for use during periods of peak demand.

The battery is proposed for construction on land largely cleared for cattle grazing, and would have a total proposed disturbance footprint of around 9.1 hectares, encompassing all project infrastructure. An underground circuit would connect the battery to the Raglan Substation.

“ACE Power, as the Raglan BESS Pty Ltd controlling entity, is continuing with its proactive approach to responsible environmental management by referring the Raglan BESS project for a controlled action decision,” the documents say.

The company last month held a community information session about the proposed big battery at the Raglan Tavern.

Ace Power, which on its website describes its team as “experts across the entire lifecycle of renewable energy projects,” has an decent pipeline of projects around the country, mostly made up of hybrid solar and battery proposals.

It is also seeking EPBC approval for the 900 MW, 3600 MWh (four-hour) Nebo BESS, proposed for construction in the town of the same name, south-west of Mackay; the Yabulu BESS (200MW/400MWh) and solar farm (101MW) near Townsville, and the 140 MW Burdekin solar farm, which is proposed for construction alongside a 500 MW/2000 MWh BESS, south of Townsville.

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