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Coalition debunks climate science – because it’s too cold

The climate science deniers and mockers within Australia’s ruling conservative Coalition were quick to the forefront on Thursday when Prime Minister Tony Abbott finally succeeded in delivering on his promise to “axe the tax” – the price on carbon pollution.

Leading from the front, and possibly with his chin, LNP Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce suggested: “You look at the weather today. Look at the way you’re dressed. No one thinks it’s too hot.”

As we reported on Thursday, Liberal Senator Ian McDonald, seized the moment to fly his party’s true colours on climate:

“If there is global warming, notwithstanding that in Brisbane on Saturday morning we had the coldest day in 113 years – but I have always indicated, Mr deputy president I have an open mind on this.”

And then Craig Kelly, the Liberal MP for the southern Sydney seat of Hughes, used his Facebook account to point to the arrival of snow in  suburban Melbourne to show that the carbon price had failed to cool temperatures.

(He reckons it started snowing after the carbon tax repeal, although he may be interested to learn that the low pressure system that brought the cool weather probably started a week ago in the Indian Ocean. But hey, details, details).

carbon kelly

But Kelly didn’t stop there. In the House of Representatives last night, he said the carbon tax had created disease and ill health.

“We are above World Health Organisation standards since the carbon tax came in—for a pollution that causes lung cancer, heart disease and asthma. That is a fact of what this carbon tax—increasing electricity prices—is causing.”

Finally, proving that Kelly is completely divorced from reality.

“Gas prices will come down,” he proclaimed – contradicting the prognosis of every single energy company, analyst, independent pricing regulator and major energy user in the country, who all know that gas prices will double or even treble because of the LNG export boom.

Back on his Facebook page, Kelly was busy, repeating the “cooling” meme, and some readers were saying what they thought of him.

kelly facebook

But Kelly replied with some “evidence” of his own, citing this graphic …

monckton image

And where did he find that graphic? Well, from the absurd “Lord” Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, writing a blog on one of the few places that will host him, the notorious climate denier website, Wattsupwiththat.

Well done Craig. This is where the Coalition and its advisors – remember the four key business advisors hired by Abbott are all climate science deniers – go to inform themselves, and their policies.

Abbott, meanwhile, was trying to suggest on TV yesterday he no longer thought climate science was crap, and was prepared to concede that human made “a contribution” to global warming, the Melbourne snow-flakes notwithstanding.

Curiously similar to the comments made by mutual admirer Rupert Murdoch, on his thoroughly debunked climate science analysis. Abbott insists his is a “conservationist” government, with “green armies” and everything.



11 responses to “Coalition debunks climate science – because it’s too cold”

  1. Keith Avatar

    Tony Abbott calling himself a conservationist and seemingly being serious about it … weird world we live in. Noone has asked him yet if he believes in fairies, but I bet if someone did, he would don his serious look and mumble something like “a good question, I think there is merit in this suggestion”……

    1. John Avatar

      Of course he does! He was training to be a priest – what more evidence do you want?

  2. michael Avatar

    Seriously stupid comments from the mentioned politicians. Similarly, it would do the climate change message no end of good to stop linking current storms etc with climate change also (think Flannery and the drought). If a cold day is weather, so is lots of rain on a day. Logic people. Legitimate to put forward increasing risk of more events over decades/centuries, probably not much linking current warming from basline to a given weather event this year, even harder to prove it wouldn’t have occured anyway.

    1. Vic Avatar

      Natural variablility and global warming are both playing out in the same atmosphere, therefore the weather we now experience is the combination of both influences.

      Also, when I “think Flannery and the drought” I think of Andrew Bolt’s smear campaign. Is that what you were referring to?

  3. John P Avatar
    John P

    How does it come about that this country is run by dimwits? I suppose it is that really capable people have better things to do!
    I mentioned on this site yesterday that global warming has nothing to do with how hot or cold any particular day might be.
    Global warming is the process of embedding increasing amounts of thermal energy in the biosphere where it becomes available to turbo charge the next big weather event with the risk of ever greater damage to life and limb.
    Year 10 graduates know and understand this but it is unknown to the politicians over on the far right.

  4. hippygreenieleftie Avatar

    Predictably consistent inanity. Can the nincompoop at the helm be impeached?

  5. Ronald Bruce Jones Avatar
    Ronald Bruce Jones

    US has George jr. Australia has Tony hmmm! I wonder if we can do a swap! George has to be smarter

  6. Chris Fraser Avatar
    Chris Fraser

    Some of the gloater’s comments, and the clever responses, were hilarious. Oooh, your a different group of idiots, aren’t you ? Wonder if you can make a slogan from a gloat ?

  7. zlop Avatar

    Can Australia break free from the Rothschild Carbon Taxers?
    Or will Tony Abbott be eliminated?

  8. Michel Syna Rahme Avatar
    Michel Syna Rahme

    Try, if you can bear it, reading page 17 or 19 of I think it was The Sunday Telgraph from Brisbane today! Really quite shocking. No editor that wasn’t “on the books” would allow such an article to be printed!

  9. Andrew Thompson Avatar
    Andrew Thompson

    This shit is why I have no faith in a future for humanity

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