Latest Solar


Floating solar project converts former gravel pit into 20 MW power generating pond

A large-scale floating solar PV plant has been completed at a former industrial site and will now generate electricity equivalent to the needs of over 7,000 homes.

It’s the S-Curve, stupid: New model predicts half of world’s energy will come from solar by 2035

New modelling corrects “three huge mistakes” underpinning traditional solar PV projections and smashes the myth that global energy decarbonisation will cripple the economy.
Solar duck sends rooftop feed-in tariff close to zero. Is this the new normal?

Solar duck sends rooftop feed-in tariff close to zero. Is this the new normal?

Regulator proposes sending state’s flat-rate feed-in tariff for rooftop solar to a new low barely above zero, says consumers must now focus on using their PV to avoid paying retail power prices.

Rooftop PV

Utility PV

Solar Thermal

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