Home » Press Releases » Barnaby and Kelly’s constituents want a Clean Energy Target, not more coal

Barnaby and Kelly’s constituents want a Clean Energy Target, not more coal


Polling of over 1,000 voters in the Deputy Prime Minister’s electorate of New England shows strong support for renewable energy investment over coal.

The results were similar in the electorate of Hughes, currently occupied by one of the most pro-coal members of the Coalition, Craig Kelly.

“60 per cent of voters in New England think the Turnbull government should introduce a Clean Energy Target,” Deputy Director of The Australia Institute, Ebony Bennett said.

Question: A Clean Energy Target would require electricity suppliers to source a certain proportion of their power from renewables or other low emission sources, with the aim of reducing emissions.

Do you think the Turnbull government should introduce a Clean Energy Target?

New England – sample n. 1,015 Total Female Male 18-34 35-50 51-65 65+
Yes 59.7% 61.8% 57.4% 65.3% 65.9% 60.5% 55.9%
No 24.1% 17.4% 31.4% 20.8% 23.5% 26.0% 23.4%
Don’t know/Not sure 16.2% 20.8% 11.2% 13.9% 10.6% 13.5% 20.7%

“When asked who they thought were most responsible for the current uncertainty in the energy policy, the top response was ‘The Federal Coalition Government’.

“Most, 33 per cent in Hughes and 30 per cent in New England, held the Federal Government responsible for the energy mess. Just 6 per cent in Hughes and 8 per cent in New England think the states are to blame.

“And when it comes to what the government should invest in, respondents in these two blue-ribbon Coalition electorates favoured renewables over coal, just like voters across the country – including in coal country,” Bennett said.

Question: Which would you prefer the government to invest in, coal or renewables?

New England – sample n. 1,015 Total Female Male 18 – 34 35 – 50 51 – 65 65+
Coal 36.7% 30.7% 43.0% 27.8% 26.8% 34.5% 43.4%
Renewables 50.6% 53.2% 47.9% 62.5% 60.3% 53.0% 43.4%
Don’t know / Unsure 12.7% 16.0% 9.2% 9.7% 12.8% 12.5% 13.3%

Full results available – here

Media enquiries: Tom Burmester 0468 926 833

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