Home » Commentary » Election Factcheck: Angus Taylor’s mysteriously cheap nukes

Election Factcheck: Angus Taylor’s mysteriously cheap nukes

Minister for Energy Angus Taylor during Question Time in the House of Representatives at Parliament House in Canberra. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas).
(AAP Image/Mick Tsikas).

No, the election hasn’t been called yet – but it’s no stretch to predict that the prospect of nuclear power is going to be a tent-pole sparring point between the contenders in the upcoming vote.

On Sunday, on the ABC’s Insiders program, Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor reminded the show’s audience that “what ultimately matters is what Australians are going to pay.”

The debate now revolves around cost (unsurprising, given the cost of living pressures in Australia). Taylor largely cites discredited modelling, claiming that the Coalition’s plan is 44% cheaper by mixing up system costs and power bills. Taylor also claims to know the price of each new reactor.

“We’ll restrict government’s role to what is absolutely necessary: seven nuclear generators, which will cost around $20 billion each. We’ve been clear about that”

‘Clear’ is bearing a lot of load in Taylor’s remarks. The only clear and material fact in this area has been the consistency with which nuclear power projects suffer incredible, eye-opening cost blows outs.

As Tristan Edis recently wrote for Renew Economy, it has become clear that nuclear power is uniquely risky in terms of costing far more than what’s on the tin.

Source – Bent Flyvbjerg

It is extremely significant that the Coalition are stumbling into this election offering false information around the costs of their energy plan.

Australians for Affordable Energy spokesperson Jo Dodds said in reaction to Taylor’s claim on Insiders that “Australians are already doing it tough with soaring power prices and cost-of-living pressures. They deserve to know how much this nuclear plan will cost them – not just vague promises and evasive responses.”

The Coalition isn’t just using unsupported claims like Taylor’s $20 billion remarks to push a bad energy plan. It is weak, specifically, on what is likely the most prominent and powerful concern for Australians going into the next election: bills and bucks.

Expect all of this to increase in intensity once the starter pistol is fired – there’s going to be a battle of perception on energy costs, and it’ll be fought over fabrications and deceptions.

Ketan Joshi is a European-based climate and energy consultant.

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