On Monday we published the first of a series of state-based maps of electricity generation – coal, gas, hydro, biomass, wind, and solar in NSW. Today, We follow that with a map of South Australia – the main difference between this and NSW being the absence of coal, hydro and biomass, but the addition of battery storage.
The first map generated a lot of interest – both directly on the website and in emails. Some questioned the data – it was provided in the Australian Energy Regulator’s annual State of the Energy Market report, and some suggested an interactive map.
The good news is that that is exactly what we propose to do, and hope to have that addition soon. In the meantime, we thought we’d continue to roll out the state by state static maps – Â they still function as a useful reference point. The locations of some of them are a surprise to us too!
(If you click on the image you should be able to enlarge it).
Colour coding is wind (green), solar (yellow), gas (grey), diesel (pink) and battery storage (blue). Why is diesel pink?