Tesla turns a profit, says Model 3 on track and on budget

Shares in Tesla Motors got a brief 6 per cent bump on Wednesday after the US EV maker surprised Wall Street with its first quarterly net profit in more than three years.

Tesla said it earned $US22 million, or 14 cents a share, in the third quarter, versus a loss of $US1.78 a share in the third quarter of 2015. The company’s revenue rose to $US2.3 billion, compared with $US937 million a year ago.


Perhaps even more impressively, the car maker kept its forecast to deliver 50,000 vehicles in the second half of the year, saying it would top 25,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter, while also suggesting a substantial reduction in production costs for its high volume Model 3 sedan.

Reuters reports that Tesla CEO Elon Musk told analysts on Wednesday that the company’s current plan “does not require any capital raise for the Model 3 at all,” but added Tesla could still raise capital to “account for uncertainty … and de-risk the business.”

All of the above will be a welcome win for Musk, who last month told staff the company was “on the razor’s edge” of achieving profitability and positive cash flow for the third quarter.

“I’m confident that we can rally hard and push the results into positive territory,” he wrote in an emailed pep-talk. “It would be awesome throw a pie in the face of all the naysayers on Wall Street who keep insisting that Tesla will always be a money-loser!”

Analysts – who according to reports, had expected a loss of 22 cents in the quarter on sales of $2.2 billion – can consider the pie thrown. But not everyone is convinced that one good quarter a turn-around makes.

“Wipe the pie from your eyes… and some interesting details in the numbers make you wonder whether, even with another company-wide email from the boss, Tesla can sustain this,” writes Bloomberg’s Liam Denning.

While Denning conceded the latest quarter’s operating cash flow of $424 million was easily Tesla’s best ever, he – among other analysts – argues there is more to the result than higher vehicle sales and cost discipline – namely a spike in revenue from credits Tesla earns for selling zero-emission vehicles.


Another contributing factor, he says, could be the spike in Tesla’s payables and accrued liabilities, mostly trade payables the company owes but has yet to pay (in cash).

But Musk has told analysts he believes the company can turn a profit again in the fourth quarter, and says that in the short term, sales of a new 100kWh version of the Model S, which starts at $US134,500 and can travel 507km on a single charge, will be key to that profitability.

The company is also continuing to spruik the benefits of its pending acquisition of SolarCity, reports Bloomberg, and plans to showcase a new solar-roof product and improved battery for home energy storage in Los Angeles on Friday night.


8 responses to “Tesla turns a profit, says Model 3 on track and on budget”

  1. Tim Buckley Avatar
    Tim Buckley

    Tesla – 145% yoy growth in revenues to US$2.3bn for the September 2016 quarter, an excellent result which allowed a significant improvement in gross margin. Gigafactory ramp continues with first product this current December 2016 quarter. Still a risky overall investment proposition, but one that is accelerating a global automotive / battery industry response from the likes of China, Korea and Japan. Excellent to see. Low emission jobs, investment, technology leadership and growth – just the sort of thing Australia should be looking for! Or we could keep digging deeper into the current hole – PM Turnbull, your call.

    1. john Avatar

      Yes i must admit i would have thought they were still plowing money into investment however these kind of figures must put confidence into the investors.
      Growing a whole new business is difficult let alone one from the ground up.
      The figures once the model 3 is bedded down are going to make interesting reading.

      1. neroden Avatar

        Economies of scale, economies of scale! Tesla’s R&D, SG&A, and capital costs increase linearly, while their sales & revenue increase exponentially.

        1. john Avatar

          I guess your correct i am really looking forward to the 2020 figures once they are rolling out the Model 3 plus the Powerwall 2 offering, which makes compelling adoption especially in high price power markets.

  2. mike schwarzer Avatar
    mike schwarzer

    2020 the year of the electric car. Finally, we can pee on the oil companies and let them choke on their own product. By 2030 their will be no inferior gasoline cars.

    1. Stewart Rogers Avatar
      Stewart Rogers

      I think you’ll find the price of oil will decrease and therefore many people will be happy to ride second hand petro cars.

      1. Calamity_Jean Avatar

        For a while, maybe. But nobody will buy new oil-burning cars, so eventually the supply of second-hand (and third & fourth hand) oil burners will run out. It won’t matter what oil costs.

      2. neroden Avatar

        As the number of petrol/gasoline cars on the road drops, and gasoline demand drops, *gasoline stations will close*, and then it’ll become *very inconvenient* to own a gasoline car. At that point people will not be happy to drive them and the replacement will accelerate.

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