TasNetworks and Goldwind have today signed the Connection Agreement for the Cattle Hill wind farm project in Tasmania’s central highlands.
The Connection Agreement sets out the terms and conditions through which the wind farm is able to successfully connect to TasNetworks ’ transmissio n network and is another key step in paving t he way for the construction of the 1 44 MW wind farm.
The agreement represents a significant commitment f rom TasNetworks and Goldwind . I n addition to deliver ing local benefits to business and the community , t he construction of the large – scale wind farm will also contribute to Tasmania’s energy security and increases the State’s on – island renewable energy generation capacity by more than 5 per cent.
“This is a key milestone for the project and highlights the stro ng working relationship that exists between TasNetworks and Goldwind” said TasNetworks Chief Executive Officer, Lance Balcombe.
“We’re very excited to be involved which such a great project and look forward to working with Goldwind during the construction phase over the coming months” Mr Balcombe said.
“Goldwind is pleased to be partnering with TasNetworks to successfully achieve the Connection Agreement for Cattle Hill . We have found the TasNetworks team to be very professional and capable. ” said Goldwind ’s Managing Director, John Titchen.
“The project is locat ed adjacent to TasNetwork s ’ large Waddamana Substation , it will deliver a significant addition to the Tasmania n power supply and provide significant opportunities for Tasmanian businesses and the co mmunity. W e are aiming to complete construction in 2019” Mr Titchen said.
The construction of the wind farm, consisting of up to 49 turbines, is schedu led to commence in early 2018 and is expected to create 150 jobs during construction and employ up to 10 permanent maintenance staff when fully operational in 2019.