Broadway Sydney launches Tesla superchargers


Broadway Sydney is excited to announce the launch of the latest Tesla Supercharger site. The only Sydney Superchargers located south of the Harbour Bridge boasts eight bays.

Paintings copywork for Greg Copeland in studio
Paintings copywork for Greg Copeland in studio

This service allows Tesla owners to add up to 270 kilometres in just 30 minutes or a full charge in just over an hour – providing time for a quick bite, grocery shop, or to explore the latest in fashion.

Shaping the future of urban shopping centre experiences, Mirvac Retail has worked with Tesla to provide Sydneysiders with convenient and sustainable travel services following months of community research into the use of sustainable transport and demand for accessible charging locations for Tesla owners.

Broadway Sydney Centre Manager, Justine Saltmarsh, commented, “Our customer base is changing with more and more opting for sustainable transport options and we are adjusting our services to match.

“The convenience of the Tesla Superchargers accompanied with two hours free parking means customers can really relax and enjoy all Broadway has on offer, including the extensive dining, beauty and fashion options on L2.”

Mirvac Retail National Manager for Retail Solutions, Tim Weale commented, “We are continually thinking about how we impact our environment and our communities.

“Working with Tesla to offer our customers electric vehicle charging stations across our portfolio forms part of Mirvac’s vision of a sustainable future, as well as supporting those who have made a commitment to accelerating change to more sustainable transport networks.”

In addition to Tesla Superchargers, Broadway Sydney has dedicated bays to all models of electric charging vehicles, contributing to the thirty charging stations launched late last year across Mirvac Retail centres in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

The launch of Tesla Superchargers at Broadway Sydney supports Mirvac’s national sustainability strategy, as well as forms part of a transport master plan that will see Mirvac car parks further adapt to urban living.

Mirvac Retail’s initiatives are leading the way in innovation through smarter thinking and creativity to reimagine resources that will see long-term investments in the future of their communities.

All electric vehicle charging bays are located in Broadway Sydney’s B2 carpark near the Bay Street exit. For more information, visit


6 responses to “Broadway Sydney launches Tesla superchargers”

  1. Keith Dennett Avatar
    Keith Dennett

    A great move by Tesla. Love to see other charging stations in other north shore areas ie Mosman, Neutral bay

  2. Francis Young Avatar
    Francis Young

    Free charging for Tesla cars? Who is paying? If it is Mirvac, then they will call it a business expense, making it tax deductible. Taxpayer subsidy for the wealthy again.

    1. grantoz Avatar

      AFAIK Tesla purchasers up until early 2017 or so got free charging for life, courtesy of Tesla (so no taxpayer subsidy)

      New buyers after this date got subsidised but not free access to the Supercharger network.

      Not sure who will foot the bill for the capital installation, but I imagine both Mirvac and Tesla will be kicking in for it.

      1. Francis Young Avatar
        Francis Young

        Yep. Tax deductible for Mirvac. Taxpayers are funding 30% of the cost, in other words.

        1. neroden Avatar

          Business expenses are a real thing.

          The question is why we are not allowed to deduct our ordinary and necessary living expenses — we used to be able to, in the US, but this was slowly eliminated over the decades.

        2. Tom Avatar

          Unless it brings in new, taxable revenue it’s a loss overall for the business.
          Your statement is kind of like saying that advertising is a taxpayer subsidy.

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