Andrews Government can match the Victorian RET with a transparent target for community owned renewables


The Victorian Parliament is currently running an inquiry into community energy projects to find out what the benefits are and how to implement best practice policies that will see community energy grow across the state.

The inquiry recently had a public submissions phase that asked for the community to provide their opinions to the inquiry.

Environment group Friends of the Earth has welcomed the initiative as one of the ways the Daniel Andrews government can grow community energy in Victoria.

Friends of the Earth’s Yes2Renewables campaign launched a public submissions drive to engage supporters with the inquiry. This saw over 150 submissions through the Yes2Renwables drive alone, showing strong support for community energy.

The submission asked the inquiry committee to endorse three key policy measures to grow community energy:

  • Set a transparent target for community energy projects
  • Support community energy projects with a financial mechanism as part of the Victorian Renewable Energy Target
  • Re-establish Sustainability Victoria as the community energy support agency in collaboration with developing Community Powerhouses.

Friends of the Earth’s Community Energy Co-ordinater Em Gayfer said:

“Community groups across the state are leading the way, already creating innovative community renewable energy projects that create regional benefits and tackle climate change”.

“This parliamentary inquiry provides an enormous opportunity to develop policies that enable local people to participate in, contribute to and benefit from the renewable energy transition through community energy projects.”.

The committee has also visited the Hepburn Wind community wind farm and the solar array run by Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group. Friends of the Earth welcomes the committee’s engagement with current community projects.

These groups can give invaluable insight into the challenges and opportunities for the sector and inform the committee’s recommendations.

“The best kind of energy is renewable and the best kind of renewable energy is community owned” said Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth

The announcement of a Victorian Renewable Energy Target of 40% by 2025 has provided an opportunity for government, industry and communities to come together to grow the renewable energy sector, and to work together to smash the targets.

“With legislation on the VRET to make its way through the Victorian Parliament soon, the Andrews government now has the opportunity to ensure communities are at the centre of the VRET by committing to a target for community owned renewable energy,” Said Em Gayfer.

“Community groups are already leading the charge with developing new community energy projects. Matthew Guy and David Southwick can match the community support for renewables by backing the VRET.”


One response to “Andrews Government can match the Victorian RET with a transparent target for community owned renewables”

  1. Ian Avatar

    Amazing how innovative thinking is happening in the Victorian Government regarding energy when the prospect of that old Smoke Stack generator, Hazelwood is to close down.

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