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Is Fukushima the new normal for nuclear reactors?

The Conversation

Last week’s new crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan saw radioactive water leak again from the crippled facility, raising fears that groundwater flowing into the Pacific Ocean could be contaminated. The Japanese government also raised the international incident level – the scale used to assess nuclear accidents – from one to three out of seven. The original nuclear meltdown following the 2011 Japanese earthquake was scaled seven.

Even if Fukushima was ultimately caused by the 2011 earthquake and ensuing tsunami, accidents such as this beg the question: can nuclear energy ever be truly safe?

There are three reasons to think that nuclear accidents are common, and could increase – and it’s not because of the technology. Let’s have a look at the evidence.

Lessons from history

In the early 1980s, Yale sociologist Charles Perrow argued that the partial meltdown of a nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island was a “normal accident”. The crux of his argument was that complicated technological systems have unavoidable problems that can’t be designed around.

Perrow’s argument — still relevant today — rested on three pillars. First, people are fallible, even at nuclear reactors. Operator error is still a very common factor in incidents and accidents.

Second, big accidents almost always have very small beginnings. Nuclear power plants are so complex that relatively simple things — shirt tails, fuses, light bulbs, mice, cats, and candles — can disrupt the entire system.

And finally, many failures are those of organisations more than technology. Given the right event, all these factors can lead to system-wide failure. Perrow concludes that such high-tech, dangerous systems are hopeless and should be abandoned, as the inevitable risks of failure outweigh any conceivable benefits.

Nuclear reactors do have inherent advantages over fossil fuels, but Perrow’s argument raises serious questions about nuclear safety.

Never-ending accidents

Even so, Perrow was writing in the 1980s. Surely things have improved since then? Well, perhaps not.

If you consider the full range of incidents and accidents reported on the International Nuclear Event Scale, there have been hundreds of events over the past few decades. One peer-reviewed study identified 105 nuclear accidents totalling U$176.9 billion in damages and 4,231 fatalities worldwide from 1952 to 2011. The International Atomic Energy Agency also reports no less than 2,400 separate incidents since the organisation began collecting data in the 1950s.

Most of these incidents involved no major releases of radiation or fatalities. But three emerging trends still cause reason for grave concern.

First, major modern nuclear power accidents are no longer one-off events. Instead, they can span years or even decades, creating a sort of “continuous accident”.

The infamous Chernobyl nuclear power may have started on April 25 1986, but it continued into the early 1990s. Secrecy, further accidents, and wildfires in the exclusion zone meant that exposure to dangerous levels of radiation weren’t controlled immediately.

We can see this same “continuous” trend with the accident at Fukushima. The triple meltdown itself at Fukushima in March 2011 was just the beginning.

In March 2013 a power outage left four underground spent fuel pools without fresh cooling water for several hours. The same month, it surfaced that a TEPCO crew laying down rat-proof netting caused another outage. In April 2013 regulators discovered that thousands of gallons of radioactive water had seeped into the ground from a leaking system of plastic sheeting.

In May, a fire broke out near Fukushima Unit 3 — ostensibly caused by cardboard boxes catching flame. And most recently in August 2013, regulators announced that 300 tons of radioactive water was found leaking from storage tanks.

New designs, new problems

There is some evidence that newer reactor designs and systems are more prone to accidents. Dennis Berry, Director Emeritus of Sandia National Laboratories, explains that the problem with new reactors and accidents is twofold: scenarios arise that are impossible to plan for in simulations, and people make mistakes.

As he put it:

Fabrication, construction, operation, and maintenance of new reactors will face a steep learning curve: advanced technologies will have a heightened risk of accidents and mistakes. The technology may be proven, but people are not.

Former nuclear engineer David Lochbaum has noted that almost all serious nu­clear accidents have occurred when operators have little experience with a plant. This makes new systems incredibly risky.

Lochbaum cites numerous historical examples of nuclear reactor accidents, including Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, which suffered accidents immediately or soon after opening. Only Fukushima seems to have defied the trend; it was opened in 1971 and continued operating until the 2011 earthquake.

Electric pressure

The third problem is electric market restructuring. This puts more pressure on nuclear operators to keep costs low, potentially compromising safety.

The problem is, as former Nuclear Regulatory Commission chair Peter Bradford states, “nuclear energy can be cheap, or it can be safe. But it can’t be both.” And even then, “there’s always the possibility somebody will cut a corner”.

For example, the pressure to build new generators on existing sites to avoid finding new locations can increase the risk of catastrophe, since there is a greater chance that one accident can affect multiple reactors.

Nuclear waste storage is also becoming more dangerous, with many spent fuel pools packed with more fuel rods to keep costs low, making them hotter and denser. Operators have to add boron to water pool to absorb neutrons, increasing the risk of chain reaction, or criticality, accidents.

The industry has also been trying to tinker with reactor sizes and promote designs that operators have little experience with, making operator training a factor. Some of these new reactor designs use more fuel and create more heat, meaning they have bigger cores containing larger quantities of dangerous fissionable materials, increasing the magnitude of any accident that could occur.

These factors are worrying (to say the least) given the severity of what a single, serious accident can do. Too bad it seems a matter of when, not if, we will see more of them in the future.

Benjamin Sovacool is Director, Centre for Energy Technologies, AU-Herning at Aarhus University

Professor Sovacool works as a researcher and consultant on issues pertaining to renewable energy and energy efficiency, the politics of large-scale energy infrastructure, designing public policy to improve energy security and access to electricity, and building adaptive capacity to the consequences of climate change. He has therefore received grants from institutions including the U.S. National Science Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and MacArthur Foundation investigating clean energy systems. He also teaches classes on research and writing methods, global energy security, renewable energy and alternative fuels, environmental economics and markets, energy policy, and sustainability.

The Conversation

This article was originally published at The Conversation.
Read the original article.


7 responses to “Is Fukushima the new normal for nuclear reactors?”

  1. Martin Nicholson Avatar

    Clearly Fukushima is not the new norm for nuclear plants. How many plant in the world are built on a coast known to be at risk of tsunamis? To protect against that risk they constructed a 9 metre seawall but it proved to be insufficient. This is an exceptional case and certainly not the norm.

    But I doubt that is really the point of Sovacool’s article.

    What I think he is saying is are all nuclear plants prone to accidents? Given that all industrial plants are prone to accidents then this is a certainty.

    The next question is are nuclear plants any more dangerous than coal or gas plants? Or come to that wind farms or rooftop solar panels?

    There has been an analysis of this that considered the death rates per TWh generated from various sources around the world. http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/03/deaths-per-twh-by-energy-source.html

    The resulting deaths per TWh were: coal 60, oil 36, biomass 12, gas 4, solar rooftop 0.44, wind 0.15, hydro 0.1 and dangerous nuclear? 0.04.

    Nuclear plants have been running for over 60 years. There is no solid evidence that nuclear is either more prone to accidents than any other plant or more dangerous as a result of those accidents.

    The evidence after 60 years is that nuclear is the safest form of electricity generation. The issue is one of irrational fear not statistical risk.

    1. Motorshack Avatar

      Actually, the question is costs that are out of sight.

      Both the investors who would normally provide the capital to build nuclear plants and the insurance companies that would indemnify them have all but sworn off nuclear energy because the cannot make money with it.

      And that would be true even if they had a perfect safety record, because a great deal of the expense is the result of the sheer complexity of the systems.

      Plus, a good safety record is not possible without the complexity, and even one serious accident will wipe out every penny of profit from a plant, and often a lot more than that.

      So, all the blather about statistics is mostly irrelevant.

      Worse, it comes off as a conscious attempt to distract readers from the actual governing factor in the industry: grotesquely inflated costs.

    2. Bob_Wallace Avatar

      Marin, those deaths/TWh statistics are badly flawed.

      If you look at the wind farm deaths you see things like crane operators driving into a hot wire with their boom up, delivery trucks overturning, dozer operators rolling off a hillside. One database even includes a snowmobiler running into a fence, a parachutist flying into a blade, someone sneaking onto a farm and committing suicide. There are even counts of individuals falling off their home towers and someone’s child getting killed by equipment laying on the ground. And some Chinese officials who were killed by a falling stage set while setting up for a presentation about wind.

      Solar deaths are mostly people falling off roofs (which is totally unacceptable and totally preventable, given today’s safety equipment).

      But, fine, where are the same records for nuclear? Where are the delivery truck wrecks, the construction deaths common in any large project? Where are the non-radiation deaths caused by falls (two recently in the US and Canada)? Are all the deaths caused by escaping steam included?

      You can’t cast a wide net for wind and solar, a very narrow one for nuclear, and make a meaningful statement.

      Nuclear likes to claim few fuel-related deaths. Fine, let’s use that criterion.

      How many people in the wind and solar industry have been killed by the wind or sunshine? Go through the database, pull out those numbers. Include the people killed by radiation, going back to the early days when we were trying to figure out how to make it work. And let’s see those statistics.

      That would be a fair measure of the relative danger of wind, solar and nuclear – don’t you think?

      1. David Martin Avatar
        David Martin

        Doesn’t the timing of the deaths also matter? And how do you count them? What about cancers that don’t show up for 10-20 years? What about non-fatal injuries? Or what about future birth defects? If you only count immediate deaths, you miss a lot of the story.

        On an unrelated note, Bob, do you know of any study that compares cost overruns or schedule delays of wind/solar projects compared to fossil fuel or nuclear plants? Wind and solar go up very fast, with predictable costs, (on time and within budget) unlike nuke plants or the Edwarsport, IN IGCC plant that was initially supposed to cost $1.3B but ended up costing $3.5B.

        I’d be interested in seeing some research on the variation between what the initial cost estimates are compared to the final costs of construction and commissioning different types of plants. I expect the variation would be small to zero with wind or solar, and huge with fossil fuel or nukes.



        1. Bob_Wallace Avatar

          I’ve heard of only one problem with a timely completion of a wind or solar farm. There must be some, that’s how construction goes. But if you’ve got a “weeks” timeline for solar and 1 to 2 year timeline for a wind farm then you could slip a while and still not have accumulated interest eating you up.

          There’s a US solar farm in the Antelope Valley that got hung up for a while because the connectors (I think it was) didn’t have the proper stamp on them, according to the local building department guy, or someone like that. And they were met by a lot of local opposition which meant that they had some more delay while they met with dust issues.

          I think the really big problem is that the developers went in with some sweetening money which was suppose to make the locals feel good about all the extra traffic on their roads during construction and they gave it to the nearest town government which was 10 -20 miles away. The town spent the money, at least most of it, on the town and not the area close to the site. Things just didn’t run smoothly after that.

          A long way to say that, no, I don’t know of any data on cost/time overruns for wind and solar. PPAs, the ones I have heard about, report fairly low electricity sale price so I would guess the problem is not large.

          As for nuclear, here’s something well worth reading if you’re interested in time and cost overruns for reactor. It’s not a pretty history. Estimate low, deliver really late for way more than the initial number….


      2. Bob_Wallace Avatar

        This deaths by TWh stuff shows up on the web from time to time. I haven’t looked into the coal, etc. data but I did download and review the wind database.

        You can get a feel for it by looking at only the first page –


        You’ll notice a suicide, a “prank death”, a pilot (crop duster flew into a test tower that was measuring wind speed), There’s the 3 year old. Her father had taken down the homestead tower, it was laying on the ground in an unsecured position and something fell on her as she was playing on the rig.

        If that peaks your interest then you might want to take a look at the entire database, where you’ll find the guy on a snowmobile running into the fence.

        I started going through and counting the number of legitimate deaths (my definition). I should go back and finish that. There have been a few. Early on multiple workers got their safety tether caught in ‘spinning stuff’. That seems to have stopped.

        I find it hard to count the 3 year old and the snowmobiler as industry deaths. And the people who fell from their home towers.

    3. Bob_Wallace Avatar

      “Clearly Fukushima is not the new norm for nuclear plants. How many
      plant in the world are built on a coast known to be at risk of tsunamis?
      To protect against that risk they constructed a 9 metre seawall but it
      proved to be insufficient. This is an exceptional case and certainly not
      the norm.

      But I doubt that is really the point of Sovacool’s article.”

      Martin, perhaps you aren’t aware that both TESCO and the Japanese government were fully aware that they were building in an area that had previously been hit by a tsunami of a size that would overshoot the 9 meter seawall and flood the reactor. Yet rather than spend the money to locate the reactor higher or build a higher seawall, they built. And Japanese taxpayers are now suffering.

      That said, I find your first two paragraphs amusing. Had you read the article you would have seen that Sovacool very clearly was talking about human screw ups and not the height of the Fukushima seawall.

      Humans built Humboldt Bay reactor on top of an earthquake fault and in a known tsunami zone.

      TMI and Chernobyl melted down due to human error.

      Browns Ferry burned due to human error.

      Nuclear is dangerous. Humans screw up. Get the point?

      Humans juggling rubber chickens, that’s OK.

      Humans juggling containers of nitroglycerin, that’s not.

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