For the second time, Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras largest events will be 100% carbon-offset in 2020 thanks to their partnership with Australia’s greenest energy retailer, Powershop.
The festival’s three largest events, Fair Day, Party and the world famous Mardi Gras Parade – catering for a combined audience of over 600,000 – will be carbon-offset making it carbon neutral. These changes will mean the carbon footprint of the festival is reduced.
The news comes as Powershop released a survey to uncover the importance Australians place on making major events carbon neutral. The data showed 74% of Australians think events like Mardi Gras and Melbourne Cup should be carbon neutral.
The data also revealed:
79% of respondents said it was important that the events they attend be carbon neutral
63% of respondents said they feel powerless against climate change
87% of respondents said they think carbon offsetting is important for the environment
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