Policy & Planning

Woodside wrestles with EPA after reports it has rejected biggest new gas field in Australia

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Woodside Energy says it is still working with “relevant regulators” amid reports a megaproject in one of the world’s richest marine zones has failed to get state environmental approval.

The proposed $30 billion-plus Browse development off Western Australia has reportedly “unacceptable” potential impacts on endangered Pygmy Blue Whales and Green Turtles.

The risk of pollution and oil spills at the fragile Scott Reef was also behind the state regulator’s imminent decision, WAtoday reported.

Australia’s largest untapped offshore gas resource, Browse is located approximately 425 km north of Broome in the offshore Browse Basin, and is a major component in Woodside’s Burrup Hub gas expansion.

“We continue to work with relevant regulators to progress environmental approvals for Browse,” a Woodside spokeswoman told AAP.

“Browse is an important resource that could help address the shortfall of domestic gas in Western Australia forecast from the early 2030s and support energy security in Asia,” she said.

Browse was also aligned with the federal strategy that acknowledged the role of gas in Australia’s energy transition to 2050 and beyond, Woodside said.

But environmentalists say Browse gas used in Australia or overseas would dump carbon emissions into the atmosphere, heating the climate and fuelling destruction in Australia.

Jess Beckerling, executive director of the Conservation Council of WA, said it was a major blow for Woodside’s plan to develop the biggest new gas field in Australia.

“It is now incumbent on the WA and federal governments to respect this independent scientific advice and expert opinion, and refuse Woodside’s application to develop Browse,” she said.

Paul Gamblin, WA director of the Australian Marine Conservation Society, said “Scott Reef is not owned by the oil and gas industry, it belongs to us all”.

Source: AAP

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