Dear Reader
Following a comment on my article posted yesterday I discovered an error in my calculation of the cost of the battery (I had multiplied a key number by 100 instead of 1000. As a result my analysis is not valid and I have asked that the article be pulled from the website. I need to reconsider my analysis and will re-submit a corrected article once I have done that. My sincere apologies.
Bruce Mountain.
Peter Dutton says a Coalition government won't follow Trump out of the Paris agreement, but…
The world’s biggest wind, solar and green ammonia project joins queue seeking federal environmental approval…
With three coal units unexpectedly down in the middle of a heatwave, it's an interesting…
Time-of-use electricity tariffs might be the way of the renewable future, but a new study…
Solar power output in the EU has more than tripled over the past decade and…
The transition to renewable energy and clean transport is a gold rush – and with…