Coal mine approvals slammed for reckless disregard of climate

The Albanese government has given the green tick to three major coal mine expansions in NSW, in a move that critics say highlights the disregard of climate in federal environmental laws.

Tanya Plibersek signed off to extensions to two coal mines in the Hunter Valley, and Mach Energy’s Mount Pleasant optimisation project in the state’s north-west.

The Mount Pleasant extension will create the biggest coal mine in Australia, three times larger than the Adani coal mine approved by the Morrison government.

Plibersek says the decision was made “in accordance with the facts and the national environmental law”.

But the decision has been widely condemned over the climate impact of the projects, and their impacts on biodiversity, water supply and endangered species habitat.

According to the Lock the Gate Alliance, the Narrabri Underground coal expansion extends to 2066 and will clear 457 hectares of koala habitat in the Pilliga Forest and drain farm water bores.

The three projects are estimated to lock in as much as 1.5Bn tonnes of lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions – more than double Australia’s total annual emissions.

The approvals come as Labor’s “Nature Positive” legislation, including proposed laws to create an independent environmental regulator, remains stalled in the Senate.

The Australian Greens say the latest coal mine approvals are a betrayal of everyone who voted for climate action in the 2022 federal election.

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