What if you could change your decades-old house into a modern, comfortable, energy-efficient home in less than ten days without having to move out or pay extra? Does it sound too good to be true? That’s exactly what a consortium of construction companies and social housing corporations are doing in the Netherlands. The ambitious program that could drastically cut Dutch residential energy consumption is called the Rapids (de Stroomversnelling in Dutch). Its aim is to collaboratively develop an industrial approach to net-zero retrofitting of the Dutch housing stock, while retrofitting 111,000 social houses by 2020. Social houses are owned by social housing corporations, which rent at least 90 percent of their housing stock to people with a relatively low income. The Rapids focuses primarily on typical Dutch terraced houses that were built in large quantities from the 1950s until the 1970s, making them a significant part of the Dutch housing stock.
The built environment is responsible for over one-third of Dutch domestic energy consumption. Energy-efficiency improvements in this sector are sluggish because of the slow turnover of outdated housing stock, the large upfront investment for homeowners, and the large number of rental houses. But according to BAM, one of the companies in the Rapids consortium, this can instead become a massive opportunity.
The construction company has a design, build, and maintain contract with the social housing corporations. Social housing corporations are an obvious partner in the Dutch program, as they have long time horizons and own vast amounts of very similar houses. They are also interested in renovating their houses to significantly increase the lifetime of their ’50–’70s housing stock, which is the majority of their total housing stock. It makes business sense as well. The social housing corporations finance the upfront investment costs with capital from the Dutch Social Bank. The prefabricated refurbishments come with a 40-year builder’s guarantee that covers the entire loan period. The participating housing corporations make approximately 5.25 percent yearly return, based on their reserved funds—already assigned for normal renovations during that period—plus the utility bill savings amortized over the 40-year lifetime of the renovated house.
Lowering retrofitting costs is the largest challenge for the consortium even though, according to BAM, the upfront investment costs (capex) have fallen from €130,000 to €80,000 per terraced house, in two years. If the aspired target of €40,000–60,000 per house is reached, it could bring the retrofits within reach for privately-owned homes.
Admittedly, the approach of the Rapids consortium is very specific to the Dutch local context, as it relies on social housing corporations and typical Dutch housing types. There are talks of exporting the consortium approach to the UK and France. Likely that will require adjustments to both the technology and the business model, as housing types and the structure of the housing market are very different in each country.
However, the innovative, pragmatic mindset and “go do it” mentality of the Dutch builders is refreshing and inspiring. Most importantly, these renovations make sense for all parties involved. They are attractive and relatively low-impact for tenants; they make economic sense for housing corporations and other investors, such as pension funds; they generate more revenue for construction companies; and they create jobs for the Netherlands.
If the cost reductions on the retrofits are achieved, the program will have true scale-up potential and have both a substantial impact on the Dutch domestic energy market in the coming decades and be a significant contributor towards emissions reduction targets in the Netherlands.
Maaike Witteveen is a project assurance engineer for an international energy company in the Netherlands. Linda van Leeuwen is an engineer business developer at the Royal BAM Group’s housing renovation department.
Maaike Witteveen is a project assurance engineer for an international energy company in the Netherlands. Linda van Leeuwen is an engineer business developer at the Royal BAM Group’s housing renovation department.
Images courtesy of Royal BAM Group nv.
Source: RMI. Reproduced with permission.
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