Investors working with utilities are making clear and clean choices for meeting our energy needs. Two big announcements show wind and energy efficiency are financeable and attractive, and new small nuclear reactors are not. Recently MidAmerican Energy chose to add more wind energy to its supply, dump a “modular” nuclear plant proposal, and decline to follow the trend toward burning natural gas. Meanwhile, today Seattle City Light announced a purchase of energy from a commercial energy efficiency developer, demonstrating a power-purchase approach to fund investments in energy conservation that won’t disrupt a utility company’s financial health.
With Warren Buffet behind the wind decision, (MidAmerican is a subsidiary of Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway), and a new financial model possibly cracking the nut on building owner and utility ambivalence about deep energy retrofits for commercial buildings, these are important developments.
To summarise what just happened:
These are important deals, as they demonstrate what choices we have for getting off fossil fuels for electric power. Iowa has championed large-scale windfarms since 1983, creating a model for renewable electricity standards. Iowa has demonstrated how to ramp up renewables, and already uses wind for 25 percent of the electricity supply. The new announcement will put the state at about 30percent windpower. MidAmerican apparently doesn’t see a problem with that level of wind, and has no plans to raise consumer rates as it increases its own supply of windpower.
On the conservation front, the Seattle deal addresses the basic objection by utilities to improving efficiency and customers needing less energy. Solving this objection with a better contracting approach opens a huge potential for meeting climate and energy goals.Commercial buildings use roughly one-third of the electricity in the U.S. I wrote recently how the goal of a utility company to increase sales volume is in conflict with state policies for conservation and customer-owned renewables. The utility lobby group Edison Electric Institute has declared these popular policies for reducing climate-harming emissions look like a death spiral to utilities because they reduce utility revenues.
The deal piloted in Seattle uses a PPA for Metered Energy Efficiency. This is one of are several innovations that the utilities have to be happy about. In the PPA-style approach, the utility pays the developer for value of the delivered savings, and the building owner and utility customer continue to pay the utility the same amount for retail electric service. This is a change from the usual scenario where the utility revenues decline from efficiency investments. This is similar to a Feed-In Tariff or the Value of Solar approach to rooftop solar pioneered by Austin Energy. To make this work for the building owner, they get payments from the investor, who is acting like a new tenant that is renting the walls, windows and pipes to make them more efficient.
These solutions clear the way for private investment in clean energy, reduce our use of fossil fuel, and keep the utility industry healthy despite the changes and challenges. Innovations that support new investment in our existing buildings, and capture clean energy available from farmers make sense. The news this week is, these also make dollars. Your state utility commission should hear about these choices. The consumer is better off with wind and efficiency investments than with the uncertainties of natural gas or nuclear. Let them know.
Michael Jacobs is a senior energy analyst with expertise in electricity markets, transmission and renewables integration work.
This article was originally published on the Union of Concerned Scientists blog, The Equation. Reproduced with permission
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