Video of the Week: Australia’s energy mix in moving pictures

A popular new edition to the RenewEconomy web-site has been the live feed on Australia’s energy mix provided by NEM-Watch, showing the contribution of brown coal, black coal, gas, hydro, wind and biomass to the National Electricity Market.

This video was put together by reader and renewable energy professional Ketan Joshi, showing the live feed over a week, showing the changes in the mix.

The NEM-Watch feed will be upgraded within the next two weeks to include solar, including the large scale solar farms at Royalla and Nyngan – soon to be switched on – and the contribution of the near 4,000MW of rooftop solar. For the first time, readers will be able to see the complete picture of Australia’s energy mix.


4 responses to “Video of the Week: Australia’s energy mix in moving pictures”

  1. Scott Bird Avatar

    Nice one Giles.

    Is there any way to get an idea of what the other states & territories are doing?

  2. Paul McArdle Avatar

    Thanks Giles (and Ketan)

    We’re pleased to be able to work with RenewEconomy to help make this aspect of complexity in the NEM more accessible to, and understandable by, a broad number of interested parties. As you mention, more will be coming soon.

    Scott, in relating to your question, that’s something we’re looking into. Keep in mind that, in absolute terms, the WEM in WA is a little bigger than South Australia (and NT is smaller again). Some data for WA is here:


    1. Scott Bird Avatar

      Appreciated. Cheers Paul.

  3. wideEyedPupil Avatar

    nice work Ketan, is this time-lapse video snapshots of a live data feed page on the Renew Economy website? What URL?

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