Energy utilities duck inconvenient truth about demand management

Utility_poles_sunset_310_229The inconvenient truth for the Australian electricity industry, whether the existing players like it or not, is the inevitable and rapid transformation of our energy networks from providing single direction energy flows to multi-direction flows from multiple distributed sources. The sooner the utilities of the future embrace this new reality the better off we will all be.

For years I have advocated a move to a service based business model.  Today the focus is on  selling widgets (aka electrons), and all participants in the supply chain get rewarded for just this. However, when the electricity itself becomes an input to the services being provided, rather than ‘the product’ being sold, then the most efficient least cost production is rewarded. It also favors clean, non-polluting energy, because once the pollution, health and environmental impacts are internalised fossil fuels (and nuclear) simply cannot compete.

I was recently in New Zealand which already produces more than 80% of its energy from renewables.  Despite this New Zealand is planning for an influx of solar renewables and energy storage. The approach of NZ utilities, regulators, politicians and businesses was refreshing. There is a genuine openness to innovation and new ideas – the obverse of what we have seen so far in Australia. This tells me the priority for the renewables industry in Australia needs to be closer collaboration with  utilities to help them through this transition as quickly as possible. In 2015 the ASC and ESC will be doing exactly this to facilitate critical energy system transformation.

The utility market process is brutally simple– they:

1. Forecast and assume demand then build or acquire supply to fit (including the delivery means i.e.: the physical network). Despite rhetoric saying otherwise and sometime even legal terms of reference too, the regulators focus on the ROI of the participants rather than on consumer benefit. We have seen some light on that recently, but down a very long tunnel; and

2. Implement demand-side management only if there is no other option – generally only when compelled by governments, which is rarely effectively and often only possible through a public subsidy.

The reason is simple too: every player makes its money in proportion to how many electrons flow through the system – generators, networks and retailers – the more electrons the more revenue and the greater the profit. There is no incentive for energy conservation (not using generated energy at all for the task e.g.: turning off lights or reducing their number, transport mode shift, turning down thermostats in winter or up in summer etc.) or energy efficiency (using less energy to achieve the same level of outcomes or improving the level of outcomes from the same amount of energy).

The new demand management utility model will be performance-based: with revenue and profit coming from services not throughput.

The services will vary according to customer and the industry participants, but will necessarily bring the network owners closer to end-users. The utilities will become effective brokers who manage providing the service using every distributed resource and technology on the network. This will include a range of supply side capacity from residential rooftops, commercial rooftops and large scale hydro, wind, solar and any new dispatch able or variable supply technology (eg: wave, geothermal hot rocks etc).  They will also manage complementary storage technologies, whether batteries, flywheels, capacitors, distributed low volume pumped hydro, or whatever is available to deliver the supply to meet the demand.

This would promote intelligent network capabilities to allow highly granular network management (including smart meters, full use of inverters as well as the behind/ through the meter possibilities from smart appliances and fixtures). The services model would also give the utilities an incentive to increase the energy efficiency of buildings – and with a churn of just 2% annually more than 60% of current stock will still be in use in 30 years. So retrofitting energy efficiency mechanisms and/or adding distributed energy generation  or storage technologies (whichever is most cost effective) becomes a value-add service, paid for via long term energy services contracts.

Such a load management utility model would pass on operating surpluses i.e.: better prices, downstream to customers, as happens with all mature services markets. This is the alternative to the oft mentioned ‘death spiral’ – a model that can be profitable for those players who are flexible and agile enough to adopt it, while a smart grid grows in importance and services get better. In a flexible service model, the service may be  offering high-security, high-reliability back up services for urban or rural ‘off-gridders’. This model needs to be underpinned by locally integrated resource planning process, and would provide transparent price information determining short, medium, and long term planning cost values for marginal distribution of capacity and energy resources.

The regulator role in this model is to ensure the energy participants are operating with performance standards that reward short and long-term prices, environmental responsibility, internalisation of costs, customer satisfaction, grid security and reliability and quality of the services delivery.

The regulator would continue to have particular regulatory responsibility for low-income customers.  However, this model would likely remove the need for energy concessions as specific purpose service level agreements, backed by government, would replace them. This is a more traditional business model based on service level agreements and market competition, between technologies and on service quality beyond the base ‘utility’, so it reduces (or maybe even removes) the need for price regulation.

The demand management utility should provide the ‘utility’ platform to encourage wide third-party participation in providing services such as independent distribution system operators (eg: peer to peer at household, business, precinct or local government level). The demand management utility operates at the retail level, fully under the oversight of markets and state and federal regulators – but using new measures and guidelines based on customer based services and success metrics.

Such a move would remove the split and confusing regulatory responsibilities in the NEM of today (which really should really be a national physical distributed energy network – now there’s a nation building project!) with distributors blended with retailers, so becoming services providers, and being forced to face the consumer. This would ensure that business incentives match the best interests of utilities, customers, and the public good more generally – they don’t right now.

This is an increasingly urgent conversation, to engage policy makers and political leaders on solutions to a broken system. But that must focus on collaboration, because the increasingly common and intense fight currently underway are ultimately a distraction.

The elephant in the room is the existing massive investment in fossil fuel assets – and how to move faster than business as usual to remove them and replace them with renewables. That’s the killer for renewables of all types even if the RET issue is resolved today: it is a fact that there is a massive generation capacity overhang – albeit EVs and rising gas prices might change that a little, or a lot – (I think the latter), which makes the transformation even more urgent. But based on current demand BAU forecast Australia has no need for new generation capacity until at least 2026 – none at all of any type!

Unless we rapidly take out the oldest and dirtiest generators somehow and then the rest, we will have a broken electricity energy system unable to achieve needed emissions reductions and poor opportunities for viable and growing renewables businesses too. Distributed generation bring great regional employment and other social and economic flow-ons.

We could simply try to get government mandates on emissions and/or a new carbon price, but I suspect that battle will remain hard and be too slow to meet the decarbonisation timetable science tells us we must follow to reduce CO2 and other GHG emissions. I have some ideas about how we can shut down dirty power stations sooner than later, but although market based they are uncomfortable ideas that many will reject out of hand. I will discuss them in a future article.


Steve Blume is president of the Australian Solar Council and the Australian Energy Storage Council.


8 responses to “Energy utilities duck inconvenient truth about demand management”

  1. Askgerbil Now Avatar
    Askgerbil Now

    Demand management can cut the cost of electricity infrastructure by $billions.
    It will always be cheaper to pay large energy customers to idle discretionary plant during a few hours of extreme peak demand each year than to finance generating capacity, poles and wires that sit idle for all but those few hours each year.

    Demand management is certainly a lower cost option than implementing peak period “Time of Use” pricing

  2. disqus_3PLIicDhUu Avatar

    Nuclear is coming, once the approval for the ‘dump’, repository, is ticked, there will be a push to finally close the two old dirty power stations left out at Pt Augusta and replace them with the latest gen IV waste eating reactors (which initially won’t happen) and the industry will spread out from there, its a foregone conclusion, the waste will be coming from europe soon.
    It all pieces together, with the plans for Roxby and further down the road becoming a reprocessing centre.
    Once the nation reverts mainly to renewable and latest gen nuclear, demand management maybe become a back seat contender, as CO2 is in check, unless it’s wanted by consumers, in a future, market controlled environment of initially costly nuclear.

    1. Ken Dyer Avatar
      Ken Dyer

      Those 2 old power stations provide 760 megawatts. It will be a lot cheaper and quicker to install solar than wait around for nuclear to catch up.
      The only nuclear waste coming from France is what Australia shipped over there in the first place.

      1. disqus_3PLIicDhUu Avatar

        It would have to be the biggest solar thermal plant presently in the world and need expanding later to cater for Roxby Downs.
        A 1GW nuclear plant would be small in comparison
        I think solar thermal plant would be great, but this waste is coming soon and presents a long term hazard to Australia and needs to be dealt with, the raw product came from SA, and it looks like we will end up storing more, for other nations, this waste will have high level, very long lived waste in it, which can be reprocessed, sent back and/or reused in reactors here, in the near future to convert into near pure energy, leaving a smaller amount of shorter lived waste, in Gen IV reactors.

        I’m not for old wasteful nuclear, I’m all for cleaning up the mess left in repositories around the world, that Australia is partly responsible for.

        1. Ken Dyer Avatar
          Ken Dyer

          Here is a link to a 2GW solar farm up and running by 2023.

          Gen IV nuclear might be ready, if the R&D pans out, for deployment after 2030. So allow another 10-15 years for Gen IV.
          That would make nuclear available in 2045 or thereabouts.
          I think solar will have the edge………

          1. disqus_3PLIicDhUu Avatar

            Thanks for the links Ken, I’ve seen the Queensland plan thanks.
            8 million panels and a CF of maybe 30% compared to 90% nuclear, could be good for Queensland, but It doesn’t help address dealing with the nuclear waste issue, in SA.
            There are existing fast breeders,
            Operating in Russia BM800 and under construction in China
            and under construction BM1200 @1.2GW.
            I think the PRISM modular reactors will be appearing sooner than later as well.

          2. Ken Dyer Avatar
            Ken Dyer

            You are not paying attention. Alice Springs has twice the population of Port Augusta, for example.
            Nuclear is not needed in Australia, and Australia is not Russia or China, either politically, socially or economically.
            Australia has got nuclear waste sorted anyway.

          3. disqus_3PLIicDhUu Avatar

            Alice domestic/commercial load, pales in comparison to the industrial towns of Roxby, Whyalla and other nearby mining town/operations.
            While Alice might have its great insolation, with CF of around 30% for pv remember, it’s not going to be where to site replacement/s for the two coal powered stations, that need CF closer to 100%.
            Pt Augusta, is already where the main Electranet substation and tie in point is out of Adelaide.
            The best option would be to replace these stations directly, if something could directly replace them.
            At some stage, there will be reprocessing occuring in SA and waste will be going there.
            Lucas Heights is the interim facility.
            Rather than store dangerous waste for a millenia, it will be preferable to convert it to energy and small amounts of shorter lived waste.

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